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Image Library compression when saving project

Posted: 04 Apr 2023, 11:07
by Sewie
I am using the Image Library very often for reference images and I've noticed that the project file size, when saved, grows very rapidly whenever images have been imported into the library. To a much larger extend than the file size of the images themselves.

Would it be possible to apply some sort of compression on the library when saving the project? So that the project file size becomes smaller.

Re: Image Library compression when saving project

Posted: 04 Apr 2023, 12:52
by D.T. Nethery
Something seems off. Here is a simple test I did this morning:

1.) I have two source images , one is 43.9 MB , the other is 2.7 MB (46.6 MB between the two of them)

2.) I placed both those images in the Image Library.

3.) There is nothing else in the TVPaint Project, only a single blank layer (I have not yet placed the source images from the library into the timeline using KeyFramer or Custom Brush)

4.) Now I save the TVPaint project. The size of the project shows as 125.7 MB. All it has in it are two images in the Image Library which total (46.6 MB . Where is the extra 78.8 MB coming from ?

Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 8.21.17 AM.png
Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 8.21.17 AM.png (46.72 KiB) Viewed 4482 times

(And here's something a bit odd: Project Info in TVPaint shows the size of the project as 119.8 MB, not 125.7 MB .)

Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 8.28.00 AM.png
(click image to view it full size)

5.) Now if I delete the two source images from the Image Library and Save the project again the size of the project shows as 61 KB.

Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 8.38.26 AM.png
Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 8.38.26 AM.png (40.63 KiB) Viewed 4482 times


Now another test:

1.) Same project , with no images in the Image Library and only a single blank layer. Current size is 61 KB.

2.) Next , I import my two source images into the TVPaint project as layers (Preload is unchecked in the Import window , so these images are being loaded as source only, not embedded in project. In Prefs "Force embed dependencies" is unchecked.

3.) Save the project. Now the size of project file is 83.6 MB . The two source images equal 46.6 MB. There is a difference of 37 MB. Where is that extra 37 MB coming from ?

But at any rate, simply importing the same two source images and saving the project results in a smaller file size (83.6 MB) than having the two source images stored in the Image Library, which makes the file size balloon up to 125.7 MB .
