It has a little window to write the desired post behavior.
It will store it as a variable for the next session so you can run it quickly
Eg. If I want all layers on the current clipto be HOLD, I write "hold"
Code: Select all
Param None
tv_readUserString "postBehaviorVar" "postBehavior" Hold
parse result postBehavior
tv_reqstring "Input the mode for all layers none, repeat, ping-pong, hold |"postBehavior""
parse result postBehavior
IF (CMP("Cancel",postBehavior)!=1)
tv_writeUserString "postBehaviorVar" "postBehavior" postBehavior
PARAM none
tv_readUserString "postBehaviorVar" "postBehavior" Hold
parse result postBehavior
layerCount = 0
loop2 = 1
WHILE loop2
tv_LayerGetID layerCount
currentLayerID = result
IF CMP(currentLayerID,"none") == 1
loop2 = 0
tv_LayerSet currentLayerID
tv_layerpostbehavior 0 postBehavior
layerCount = LayerCount + 1