4k / Retina Display Lag

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Joined: 20 Feb 2018, 00:31

4k / Retina Display Lag

Post by ChristopherC »

Hello all,

I recently upgraded my system to an M1 mac (coming from a 2015 MacBook), the only problem now is if the resolution of my cintiq is set to 4k, pretty much every brush i use starts to seriously lag. I've done the usual fixes (open in low resolution, turning on 'boost line smoothness') which both help a bit. A working compromise is those fixes and then setting the resolution to ~2k, and everything runs great that way, but it's unfortunate that i can't use the full 4k display like i could on a significantly weaker laptop running the 32-bit version. I'd be happy to hear if anyone has any insights or fixes, or if any of this is on the radar to be solved in the future?

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Joined: 01 Oct 2019, 11:08

Re: 4k / Retina Display Lag

Post by Xavier »

Regarding the 32-bit thing, you already know the answer there ;)

(Editing my response to add more information) This issue has been encountered by a few other users and seems difficult to fix, because our main lead is that it is mainly linked to how MacOS handle multiple displays, especially when one of them is a Cintiq. I think we will need to do more testing with a 4K Cintiq.
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