I have some questions about TVPaint 11.5.3 before I download and install it. I tried to find it and answer, but couldn't find it:
-In TVPaint 11.5.2 the "open recent" section was finally changed. I really like it that the exported files are no longer mixed with the recent opened files. However, it's still not working properly, in a way that I can't use it.
An example: I worked in TVPaint whole day long. The last thing I did was open TVPaint, I made a drawing, saved it. Then I quit TVPaint. When opening TVPaint again, I was searching in the "open recent" section: And it was not there! Why not?
This happens to me all the time. Is this issue fixed in TVPaint 11.5.3?
-Is it again possible in TVPaint 11.5.3 to draw in a layer when the layer's stencil is enabled? Please, please please....
These are my biggest requests at the moment.
But if they are not fixed in TVPaint 11.5.3, I will wait for a next version to update again.
Mac OS 13.4.1 , Mac Studio 2023, 32GB RAM, Wacom Cintiq 27 QHD (no touch), Wacom Driver 6.4.2-4.
TVP Pro 11.7.1
Joost wrote: ↑15 Oct 2021, 15:57
-Is it again possible in TVPaint 11.5.3 to draw in a layer when the layer's stencil is enabled? Please, please please....
I just finished to add it. It will be for the next release, to come by the end of the year sorry.
Peter Wassink wrote: ↑20 Oct 2021, 01:25
hmmm both don't seem to work in 11.5.3
- open recent is not working here, not recent project nor recent export?
Peter what do you mean by "not working here" ? haven't you tested this during the beta phase ?
I did test it at work and there it was fine... but for some reason it doesn't seem to work on my laptop?
I thought it might have to do with TVP not saving the config... but after making sure the config was saved, it still didn't work on my laptop at home yesterday...
but i've just tested it again on my computer at work it and it is indeed working.
sorry for the confusion. i'll check again this evening.
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
• laptop: Win10/64 Pro - i7-4600@2.1 GHz - 16Gb RAM
Ok you'll let me know just for info : the menu entries appear only once you saved/imported/exported a project. Maybe I should have greyed them instead of hiding them.
Xavier wrote: ↑20 Oct 2021, 14:55
Ok you'll let me know just for info : the menu entries appear only once you saved/imported/exported a project. Maybe I should have greyed them instead of hiding them.
yes! greyed out sounds like a very good idea.
it makes you aware of the presence of it, so it will help make people familiar with the feature.
i did first save something off course... but i'll let you know.
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
• laptop: Win10/64 Pro - i7-4600@2.1 GHz - 16Gb RAM
Xavier wrote: ↑20 Oct 2021, 14:55
Ok you'll let me know just for info : the menu entries appear only once you saved/imported/exported a project. Maybe I should have greyed them instead of hiding them.
yes! greyed out sounds like a very good idea.
it makes you aware of the presence of it, so it will help make people familiar with the feature.
Just did it. We have little feedbacks regarding the recent file menu, so I will avoid publish a hotfix right now.
Capture d’écran_2021-10-20_16-25-29.png (42.31 KiB) Viewed 13448 times
Joost wrote: ↑15 Oct 2021, 15:57
-Is it again possible in TVPaint 11.5.3 to draw in a layer when the layer's stencil is enabled? Please, please please....
I just finished to add it. It will be for the next release, to come by the end of the year sorry.
Oh so good to hear it will be back! I can wait
Mac OS 13.4.1 , Mac Studio 2023, 32GB RAM, Wacom Cintiq 27 QHD (no touch), Wacom Driver 6.4.2-4.
TVP Pro 11.7.1
I feel a bit like an idiot asking this, but I appear to be doing something wrong with a camera zoom. A very simple move that I do with the camera icon but is not playing back with the move, or it chooses the whole movie for the move. I mark in and out, but that doesn't help. What am I doing wrong, or not doing?
Also, I'm using a very large photoshop file background and the resolution still goes wiggy when I zoom in on it. How do I help that?
Thank you for your help. I'm new to this software and draw better than I compute.
JoeMurray wrote: ↑07 Jan 2023, 13:54
A very simple move that I do with the camera icon but is not playing back with the move,
If the camera move doesn't play back, make sure that the Camera View button on the playback bar is active. Also, that the Camera View is activated in Display Settings (look under Windows > Show > Display Settings)
TVPaint_with_Camera_View_Enabled.png (76.8 KiB) Viewed 8542 times
JoeMurray wrote: ↑07 Jan 2023, 13:54
or it chooses the whole movie for the move. I mark in and out, but that doesn't help. What am I doing wrong, or not doing?
If you want the Camera Move contained to only a portion of the scene, use the Time Profile (double-click on it to activate it).
TVPaint_Camera_Time_Profile.png (30.64 KiB) Viewed 8540 times
Time Profile can be set to Linear, Spline, or Polynomial mode. I almost always have it set to Spline mode.
TVPaint Camera Profile Spline Mode.png (11.85 KiB) Viewed 8539 times
I will usually stretch out the Time Profile so it covers the entire timeline as shown in the screen capture below. In this case the camera is holding still from frame 1 until frame 76, then the camera move eases-in to the move and at the end of the move eases-out, coming to a hold at frame 241 and holds to the end of the scene at frame 300. (the redline shows which frame you are on , allowing for precise adjustment of the stop and start positions.)
Start position at frame 1 - to - 76
Camera holds until frame 76 then eases-in.png (58.36 KiB) Viewed 8542 times
End position at frame 241 - to - 300
Camera Move eases-out and stops at 241.png (55.31 KiB) Viewed 8542 times
If you want to have the camera start from the beginning Position A and move to the middle Position B then pause (hold) before moving on to the end Position C you need to add more points on the line to create a flat line between the points where you want the camera to come to a stop and hold. In the example shown below, the Camera holds still at Position A from frame 1 - fr. 76, eases in and moves to Position B, holding from frame 160 - to - frame 212 (flat line indicates the hold), then resumes the move easing-in from 213 - 224 and continuing the move until it reaches end Position C at frame 271 and holds until the end of the scene at frame 300.
TVPaint_Camera_move_with_Hold_in_Middle.png (27.43 KiB) Viewed 8542 times
This can be tricky to figure out at first ,but once you understand it , it's pretty easy to control.
JoeMurray wrote: ↑07 Jan 2023, 13:54
Also, I'm using a very large photoshop file background and the resolution still goes wiggy when I zoom in on it. How do I help that?
Try adjusting the Preview Settings to Quality 100% , Full Quality Preview.
Thank you for all of this. I will give it another go. But it's not still clear to me, if I have many scenes within a n 11-minute movie, and I only want the camera move on scene 3, is that a timeline thing. How do I regulate that. I understand the time profile, but how do I use that for just one scene? Am I not getting something?
JoeMurray wrote: ↑07 Jan 2023, 15:07
Thank you for all of this. I will give it another go. But it's not still clear to me, if I have many scenes within a n 11-minute movie, and I only want the camera move on scene 3, is that a timeline thing. How do I regulate that. I understand the time profile, but how do I use that for just one scene? Am I not getting something?
Ok, let's say you're starting with a storyboard/animatic of your 11-minute project. For sake of example I'm going to say there are 45 Scenes (shots) in your project. All 45 Scenes should not share a single timeline. Instead , split them up so each Scene is it's own Clip (TVPaint uses the term "Clip" for what I would usually call a Scene or a Shot). That way your camera move applied to Scene (Clip) 3 will only apply to that scene , not to any of the others. Each Clip in the project can have it's own camera move or no camera move, depending on what you want.
Screen Shot 2023-01-07 at 10.14.52 AM.png (95.19 KiB) Viewed 8522 times
If you've already created a storyboard/animatic that has ALL the scenes sharing a single Timeline in one Clip , then you can use the SPLIT CLIP function in the Clip Menu to split them up into the required number of individual Clips (Scenes). In this example , let's say I already have a scene that I want to split into two scenes (clips) at frame 32. I put the cursor at frame 32 and go to Clip Menu and choose Split Clip. This will result in the clip now being two new clips . NOTE: most of the time you would want to Split the clips before you add any camera moves, because splitting the clip will disrupt the camera move if you've already added one. It's fixable after you've split the clips, but it can be a little tedious to retime the camera moves. So as a rule , if you have a storyboard for an entire project that has all the scenes sharing a single timeline , split it up into individual Clips (scenes) before applying any camera moves.
(click the image to view it full size)
After you have completed the animatic I would suggest that each fully animated scene should have it's own TVPaint project file , rather than trying to keep the entire 11-minute project contained in a single .tvpp project file , because as you add more layers for actual animation the file size will grow quite large and can cause lagging. If you absolutely need to keep some scenes together for continuity sake (for checking the flow of the cutting from scene to scene) you could keep several scenes together in a single .tvpp project file. Say Scenes 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 are all separate .tvpp files, but then for Scenes 6 - 11 you need to keep those together , then all of those scenes could be in a single .tvpp project file because five scenes in a single file is not likely to grow too large to the point where it's laggy. Then on Scene 12 , 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 each of those is a separate .tvpp project file, but again at Scene 21 , 22, 23 you need those three scenes to stay together , then it's fine to have Scenes 21, 22, 23 all contained in a single .tvpp project file. In most cases, it keeps the file sizes down if you give each scene it's own project file. Does that make sense?
So, as a rule, each Clip(scene) should have it's own project file once you move beyond the animatic and start animating. After each scene is animated and colored you can export it to a .MOV file or as PNG image sequence to assemble the full movie in your editing software such as Premiere or AfterEffects , or Final Cut.
If you need the animatic layers as reference for building the animation scene files , there is the option to right-click on each Clip in the animatic project file and click on "Create a New Project from Selected Clip".
Screen Shot 2023-01-07 at 10.44.25 AM.png (40.65 KiB) Viewed 8520 times
This will create a new project file with the animatic layers of that scene intact , and then you can proceed to add layers for Rough Animation, Clean Animation, Color. (the animatic layers have probably served their purpose by the time you get through Rough Animation ,so they could be deleted from the animation project file at that point before you start Clean-Up and Coloring, or you can keep the animatic layers in the project file if you prefer . I usually deleted them after I've completed the rough animation on a scene because the extra animatic layers just make the overall file size larger and I find that I usually don't need the animatic layers for reference after I've completed rough animation.
At one time TVPaint's website had source .tvpp files from their project "Journey Through Creativity" which you could download. For some reason those source files and the movie of "Journey Through Creativity" were removed from the website , but the source files were quite helpful to see example files of TVPaint in use. You should contact TVPaint Support to ask if you can get those source files. Also see the Storyboard source file in the Contents and Examples files available here: https://www.tvpaint.com/v2/content/arti ... examples.p
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
TVPaint PRO 11.7.4 - 64bit
MacOS 12.7.1 Monterey ,
Mac Mini (2018) , 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM ,
XP-Pen Artist Pro 19 (Gen 2) 4K,
So a clip has nothing to do with layers. You can have one clip with multiple layers on it. Yes, I do have my who film on one timeline. But I would like to split it up.