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Auto Pick color - choose the source

Posted: 26 Jul 2021, 13:00
by Peter Wassink
The auto pick color is a great way to 'steal' colors from an underlying image.
but you have to pick from the layer itself which makes it destructive.
it would be nice if it could pick from other sources as well.
so in the same way that you can choose where TVPaint looks for the boundaries for a paintbucket fill.
you could then choose where it AutoPicks its color!

AutoPick Source:

Re: Auto Pick color - choose the source

Posted: 24 Apr 2022, 11:13
by Peter Wassink
i feel silly,
i'm now looking for the auto pick color option, but forgot where to find it!?

In the paintbucket tool panel it is there...
But i could swear it was also an option in at least one of the drawing tools.
Surely it wasn't dropped, right?

Re: Auto Pick color - choose the source

Posted: 24 Apr 2022, 17:13
by Svengali
In a button?
ColorPickArrow.png (27.56 KiB) Viewed 4412 times
or GEORGE command?

Code: Select all

tv_getdisplay iX iY

Get the color of pixel in the display

iX iY    double double    The coordinate

oR oG oB oA    int int int int    The pixel color

oR oG oB oA    int int int int    Background color of the view panel if x or y are outside image (but not necessary an error as an image can contain the same color)


tv_getpixellayer ["brush"|"spare"|"undo"] iX iY

Get color of the source

"brush"|"spare"|"undo"    enum             The source (if no source, the current image of the current layer is used)
iX iY                     double double    The coordinate

oR oG oB oA    int int int int    Color in the source at the given position

"none"    string    Source not valid


tv_getpixel iX iY

Get the color of pixel in the current layer image

iX iY    double double    The coordinate

oR oG oB oA    int int int int    The pixel color

0 0 0 0    int int int int    Transparent pixel if x or y are outside image (but not necessary an error as an image can contain transparent pixel)

Re: Auto Pick color - choose the source

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 15:26
by Peter Wassink
No thats not what i mean. What autopick does (or did) is picking colors from another layer as you draw.

So you can put an image on another layer and when you paint on the layer above, every time you put down the pen it samples the color from that position on the source layer.
much like the AutoPick option in the PaintBucket tool.

it could be that this was a custombutton from a third party (maybe from Dhomas, Young Monkey?)

Re: Auto Pick color - choose the source

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 16:19
by Svengali
Ah, sorry Peter, I don't really remember that being an option I ever knew or used...
