make recompute exposures part of any effect/transformation

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make recompute exposures part of any effect/transformation

Post by hilere »

At the moment whenever you apply an effect or transformation the part of the timeline you had selected to apply the effect you end up with the timeline on ones, which I understand, because the effect is applied on every frame in the selected area. Luckily there is the option to recompute the exposures so everything can be put on timing again nicely.

What I want to suggest is : why not make the recompute exposures part of the effects and the transformation tools. This saves us an extra handling. I don't see any reason why someone would want to lose their timing.

I did try to create a button where I combine the layer transformation with the recompute exposures option, but for some reason this does not work. Anyone an idea why this does not work?
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D.T. Nethery
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Re: make recompute exposures part of any effect/transformation

Post by D.T. Nethery »

hilere wrote: 18 Mar 2021, 12:47 At the moment whenever you apply an effect or transformation the part of the timeline you had selected to apply the effect you end up with the timeline on ones, which I understand, because the effect is applied on every frame in the selected area. Luckily there is the option to recompute the exposures so everything can be put on timing again nicely.

What I want to suggest is : why not make the recompute exposures part of the effects and the transformation tools. This saves us an extra handling. I don't see any reason why someone would want to lose their timing.

I did try to create a button where I combine the layer transformation with the recompute exposures option, but for some reason this does not work. Anyone an idea why this does not work?
I think it's a good idea , but there is a way now to avoid having all the exposures converted to single frames when applying a transformation or effect , then recomputing exposures to restore the correct timing .

Before you apply the transformation toggle off Auto Break Instance . Also, with FX Stack you can set it to Apply On Heads instead of Apply On Frames.
Turn Off Auto Break Instance.png
FX Stack Apply On Heads.png
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Re: make recompute exposures part of any effect/transformation

Post by hilere »

Thanks for the reply D.T., it gave me extra insight in the use of the auto break instance functionality. But it only shifts the problem over to another place. There still needs an extra manual action to be done.

I tried to create an action by:
1. toggle auto break instance. or alternative: inactivate auto break instance
2. transform.  
3. toggle auto break instance. or alternative: activate auto break instance

But it did not work. Apparently when executing actions TVP neutralises 1 and 3 (since they oppose each other) instead of following the order of the script.
Without step 3 it leaves me with the auto break instance option in the wrong position which then has te be reset manually.
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