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switch off part of a layer.

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 12:26
by Peter Wassink
ok this is probably not for the currrent engine.

i would like to be able to switch off part of a layer.
if i want to make a cut from one layer to the next, i could simply delete the extra frames.
But when i need to keep my options open i have to split the layer and this will increase the amount of layers and add to a cluttered and confusing layerpanel.

it would be nice to have a nondestructive way of switching off frames in the layer.
maybe even with opacity control to make non destructive fades!
switch of layers partially.png
switch of layers partially.png (67.12 KiB) Viewed 12782 times
Even fades?
sYEAH FADES---.png
sYEAH FADES---.png (25.06 KiB) Viewed 12781 times

Re: switch of part of a layer.

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 12:39
by cgmodeler
I Second that request!

Re: switch off part of a layer.

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 14:42
by Thierry
ok this is probably not for the currrent engine.
Indeed, that can't be done in the TVP11 engine :p

I think it's already in our todo list, I'm going to check and add it if it's not the case :)

Re: switch off part of a layer.

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 16:43
by Peter Wassink
ha i'm pretty sure its on the list.

it probably sits there....together with folders in the layerpanel ;-)

i'm now just reporting any issue i come across, i reason that it doesn't hurt if a request is double

Re: switch off part of a layer.

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 09:06
by Hironori Takagi

Re: switch off part of a layer.

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 09:29
by slowtiger
The red line you used makes me think. In video editors and music sequencers a diagonal line like this indicates a fade.

What about making this a real feature: have a line over the thumbnails in the timeline which indicates opacity? This way we could have 1. switch off parts of the layer completely 2. have different parts of the layer have different opacity 3. can easily create fades - and all of this non-destructive, being able to edit later again and again.

This would be especially usefull for FX animation or more experimental work, and for that old technique of using less drawings with a lot of cross-dissolves.

Re: switch off part of a layer.

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 14:07
by Peter Wassink
slowtiger wrote: 15 Sep 2020, 09:29 What about making this a real feature: have a line over the thumbnails in the timeline which indicates opacity? This way we could have 1. switch off parts of the layer completely 2. have different parts of the layer have different opacity 3. can easily create fades - and all of this non-destructive, being able to edit later again and again.

slowtiger wrote: 15 Sep 2020, 09:29 ... that old technique of using less drawings with a lot of cross-dissolves.
Stretch interpolate makes this quite easy, but yeah, to be able to do it non-destructive is something i'd love to see in TVP.

Re: switch off part of a layer.

Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 21:18
by Xavier
You now have the "delete & let empty" option available in the latest version !

For the current engine, a layer is one indivisible part. That's a workaround :)
keep_empty.png (23.61 KiB) Viewed 10829 times
(oops, I forgot to update the menu item names)