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Automaticaly display drawing number

Posted: 02 Apr 2020, 20:54
by SebGodard
Hi fellow TVPainters!

I wondered if there is a way to automaticaly write or re-write the drawing's number?

Until now I wrote them manually on the side of the screen, as we used to do on paper animation.
Annotation 2020-04-02 211703.png
Annotation 2020-04-02 211703.png (4.87 KiB) Viewed 14069 times
But when I have to retake some charts, for instance if the director wants to retime the animation, it's a pain to rewrite these numbers.
Perhaps some would have advices on that?
I suppose I get lazy with age :)

I thought I might use Mad Juul's Tracker Panel (thx Mad!), to auto-name the instances according to their position in the timeline. I would then love that number to be automaticaly displayed on a preset texbox on screen?
Whereupon one may draw chart on the side of it...

Any thought / advice is welcome. Thanks :)