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How to upgrade to 8.5?

Posted: 28 May 2007, 13:32
by A1
Great! , i noticed tvpaint 8.5 is here. How do i upgrade my copy of tvpaint animation? In the downloadsection it is stated that a registered copy can not be updated with a demoversion. So what do i do, what do i do, what do i do.

:P :P :P

Posted: 28 May 2007, 13:36
by fabrice_
The registered user still have to wait one or two days before updating. As far as I know, TVPaint guys are finishing to work on a new online update system. :D
By the way, you can check the new features here : ... &Itemid=77 :shock:

Posted: 28 May 2007, 13:42
by A1
Thanks for the swift reply

I've seen the upgrade features:---> looking good!
It is going to be a long 2 days 8)

Posted: 28 May 2007, 13:43
by TVPaint
Hey A1,
Registered users will be able to download freely their upgrade to the 8.5 version next Wednesday at the latest.
We are fixing very minors issues in order to make it very easy for everybody.

In this time, you can still try the trial version since people who tried the former demos can try this new one.

Posted: 28 May 2007, 13:45
by A1
cheers! I'll give it a go...

Posted: 28 May 2007, 13:53
by fabrice_
While waiting during those two looooooooong days :wink:, you can take a look to the new user-manuals which are already available online.

The 6th lesson explain the Instance concept, which is going to be the big revolution in the TVPaint technology.

Posted: 28 May 2007, 13:56
by A1
i downloaded 8.5, but on install i'm asked to modify, repair or remove previous installed components. I believe this means 8.5-demo will install on top of my registered version. Does that mean i will not be able to acces my registered version:-- i believe the demo version does not allow you to save.
What do i do to check the demo and still have access to my registered version? ( i have no other tvp animation or tvp pro installations other than the registered one)


Posted: 28 May 2007, 14:15
by Patrice
The trial version of TVP Animation allow you to save your work during 30 days but since the upgrade version is coming soon... Then you only need to delete the demo and install the registered version.

For TVP Animation Pro it is different since you are not able to save your work. You should wait until wednesday.

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 21:47
by Yojimbo
Is this an update to pro or to both?

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 22:38
by ZigOtto
both. 8)

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 05:42
by Yojimbo
Thanks. I got it, installed it and all is well. ;)

Posted: 03 Jun 2007, 11:19
by hughdrawsstanding
Looking into moving into TVPaint Pro for a short film i've been working on in Mirage, and have been playing with the TVPaint 8.5 upgrade as of late and am hugely excited about it's superior features and stability.

Unfortunately I have two problems
1. I only have a copy of Mirage 1.5, the licence for which was purchased December 2005.
2. I am a struggling freelancer, recently finished art college. i could just afford the upgrade cost but a full licence is way out of my price range.

I noticed a while ago that there was some way I could upgrade my licence or 'move across' to TVPaint somehow, cant find it on the forum though.
I downloaded the purchase order and was wondering if i still qualify for the upgrade price, 475.00 euro? or is it a bit more complex than that?

If someone could point me in the right direction, would be great.
Some sort of 'upgrade price table' would be really useful.


Posted: 03 Jun 2007, 12:08
by ZigOtto
Electricleash wrote:... I noticed a while ago that there was some way I could upgrade my licence or 'move across' to TVPaint somehow, cant find it on the forum though.
I downloaded the purchase order and was wondering if i still qualify for the upgrade price, 475.00 euro? or is it a bit more complex than that? ...
afaik, the upgrade prices are still the same,
and yes, Aura / Mirage licence owners are qualified to the Upgrade special price of 475 euros.
check-it out here, on their online store page.
tvpaint wrote:If you have any question, feel free to contact us directly by email at

Posted: 03 Jun 2007, 18:22
by hughdrawsstanding
Thank you for clearing that up for me, will try and get myself sorted out with the upgrade as soon as the next pay clump comes in.