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All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 12:58
by itpassion
I have a user who has been using TVPaint on a large project for a few months.
Just recently, all the TVPaint settings are being reset to defaults each time the user starts the software after logging in.
It takes him 20 minutes to set up all his pens / nibs / shortcuts again each morning.
Any ideas on how I might get this back to a normal working state?
OS is Windows7 64 bit.
Software version is 11.0.8 Pro edition 64 bit.

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 13:06
by Thierry

When you go in the Preferences panel (Edit > Preferences), and in the Startup tab, what is selected in the first option ?
config.png (8.73 KiB) Viewed 19724 times
If you don't have "Remember last used configuration", select it.
The software should now remember the settings.

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 13:36
by itpassion
Hi Thierry,
I have just checked and those settings are as you suggest.
"Remember last used configuration" is selected, and "Open last project at startup" is ticked.
Neither of these are working at startup.
As I say, this worked for about 3 months but has now stopped.

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 14:00
by slowtiger
Was TVP shut down properly, or did it crash?

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 14:45
by itpassion
I'm told that the software has been immaculately well behaved other than this issue.
No crashes.
What's the next best move? re-install? delete pref directories?

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 14:55
by slowtiger
Make TVP start with that "asking for prefs" window, then choose "new prefs". Do some changes, then quit TVP. Re-open and check if they're still there.

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 15:20
by Peter Wassink
i hope the config handling issue can be addressed soon.
it is currently very cumbersome and unintuitive to manage/save or share your configurations.

we are also struggling with it in our current production, with many people working on different workstations, and not everyone having a single assigned computer.

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 31 May 2018, 15:54
by slowtiger
It's quite counter-intuitive, and I really miss a command to save the config, so I could do it after carefully editing a brush, and not have to quit TVP for that.

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 13 Jun 2018, 15:50
by Sparkle
I have had this issue for months. I tried all suggestions, nothing is fixing the issue.

Re: All TVPaint settings lost at launch

Posted: 13 Jun 2018, 16:41
by itpassion
This issue seemed to fix itself.
I apologise to you other users that have had similar issues because there was no magic remedy to this - it just started to work again.
Maybe just playing with the settings in the prefs window caused them to be saved correctly?