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Icon for my own created brushes

Posted: 10 Apr 2018, 11:07
by Wild-Cartoon-Feather
Hello. I created some brushes in TVPaint 11. But I want them to have their own icons so that I can automatically tell them apart. Also, it will look nice, if they have their own colorful icon like a small pen or a brush.

Does anyone of you knows, how I can give my own created brushes their own personal icon?

Re: Icon for my own created brushes

Posted: 13 Apr 2018, 02:48
by Padruig
Hello. If you want to make custom icons for your brushes here is what you do:

Create the artwork for your icon in TVPaint or import some artwork to the stage. Select the "Cutting Tool: Rectangle" from the main panel. Now cut your icon artwork from the stage,essentially making a custom brush from your icon design. (Hit optimize in the Tools panel to get rid of any extra transparency around your icon.)

With this created, hover your cursor over the brush icon you want to change and right click. Select edit.

On the resulting pop up menu hit the button in the middle called "Tool". This will swap the icon for your current custom brush art. Hit the "OK" button and you should be rocking a new icon.

That is it. Hope that helps you out.