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Blur brushes?

Posted: 04 Mar 2018, 10:39
by Sewie
Dear TVP friends,

Are there any custom brushes that can simulate blurs? Or does anyone know how to make one?
So that instead of applying a blur from the fx stack one could paint an out of focus blur into the image? I'm looking for a brush that can simulate any of the median, motion, radial or Gaussian blurs.

I know about the different smear brushes and the 'drop' brush (icon = a drop of water in the Tool Presets panel) but that's not what I'm looking for.

Re: Blur brushes?

Posted: 04 Mar 2018, 13:58
by Svengali

One thing to try... download this old TVPX which lets you
(a) apply FX to the current frame, blurs for example, and automatically copy the result to the spare buffer, then return to the original current frame in its original state.
(b) use a merge brush to "paint on" the blurred areas, stroke by stroke.

I haven't tested the button set recently, but it should work in TVP 11.
Tested and works... AND, this will work with many other FX as well...


Re: Blur brushes?

Posted: 05 Mar 2018, 09:09
by Sewie
This is fantastic. Thanks, Sven.

Re: Blur brushes?

Posted: 05 Mar 2018, 09:51
by NathanOtano
Here is a concept brush I made that blurs with texture using the deformation brush, don't know if it fits what you want to do. You can create some nice different effects by changing the paper :) if you change the mode of the brush to opne of the 3 first modes, you get kind of a way to blur things without texture
OTANO Grainy Smear.tvpx
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