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OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 18:08
by NathanOtano
This time it's a nice script that is already 6 months old now, created to help you setting your out of pegs and then flip them.
OTANO OOP Tools v06.tvpx
(422.5 KiB) Downloaded 991 times
OOP_set_panel.png (7.89 KiB) Viewed 25038 times

It involved some maths that I havn't studied since a long time haha, but I found my way (thread here : and now that this graduation film is done I can share it properly :)
I advise you to use shortcuts with those buttons, especially for flipping.

Here is quick demos of all the features :


The OOP Set script matches point(s) on the images of your lightable. Here is the process :
- Click on OOP Set
- Click on the reference point of your current image that you wanna match. If you use your right click it will remember that you also want to match rotation.
- Click on the reference point of your previous light table image. If you use your right click it will also remember that you want to match scale.
- Click on the reference point of your next light table image.
- Now if you right clicked somewhere, you'll have to repeat the process with a second reference point used to match scale and/or rotation.

If you alt click on the panel button, you have two options (more to come) :
- You can choose to hide or not the current frame while setting your reference points on your lighttable images.
- You can choose to temporarily set (or not) your LT images at full opacity while setting your reference points.

Right now OOP Set works only with image -1,-2,1 and 2 but I'm hopping to make it work for all activated images.
Also you can't use it with gradient mode for now, but it should work for any other mode.

OOP Flip

The flipping scripts are based on Mads Juul Out of Peg Panel (here : with simplifications in the process, more LT modes supported, and bug corrections.

The flipping scripts hides all LT images and current image execpt the one you're flipping on, you just loop right or left beetween image -1,1 and 0.
You can draw only on current image (sorry). Each time you go back to current image the script ends (but your LT images are still off).
Then, from anywhere, you can click on "OOP Flip End" and you'll go back to current frame with your current image visible AND you'll get back your the LT settings you had before flipping.

OOP Switch

Really simple one that stores current OOP values and desactivates OOP. If you click again on the button (or while you have no OOP setted), you get back the stored values. Pretty handy :)

And after maybe...

- I'm planning to make it support all images for setting and flipping, so you can see more of your movement while still using OOP and maybe animate on the spot.
- You could also imagine going to next/previous LT image directly on the timeline and the script sets back the previous image to match the OOP, that way you could draw on every image. But it would take more time to script :) one day maybe. Or using guidelines maybe instead of LT.


Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 19:33
by D.T. Nethery
Thank you Nathan !

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 15:02
by repkino

upd. ok, not for TVP10

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 13:29
by aAntin
Hi Nathan,

Just tried your palette. Awesome tools!?! :D

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 14:51
by NathanOtano
Haha yes, I'm glad you like it

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 12:21
by schwarzgrau
Just wanted to say thank you. Currently Its such an amazing timesaver.

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 08 Oct 2020, 17:02
by NathanOtano
<3 thanks

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 22 May 2021, 00:11
by condepablo
this tool should be native!
I dont understand very well the scale/rotation method. would be great to have a videotutorial about it.
anyway, the basic OOP set its already a great time saver. thanks!

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 23 May 2021, 02:39
by schwarzgrau
You use your right mouse button (or press a stylus button to get a right click) for choosing the points. This way the script knows you want to use rotation/scale too and let you choose a second set of points. From there it can calculate scale and rotation. This works best if your first set of points and the second one are as far from each other as possible.

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 28 Jun 2021, 10:03
by NathanOtano
When you set your first three point, if you right click on the first it will activate the scale function and if you right click on the second it will activate the rotate function. So you can set only position, or position and scale, or position and rotate or all three.

Then when you set your first 3 points, if you clicked with right click at one moment, there is three more points to set that will be a second point to set the rotate and the scale (cf gif in first post)

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 13:25
by Kramme
Thank you Nathan, I love this! Been thinking about whether this was possible to do for a while and then I stumble upon your tool and you have magiced it up better than I could have hoped for. Cheers!

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 07 Aug 2021, 11:32
by NathanOtano
Just updated the script so the menu doesnt dissapear, it was creating some lag + bug where TVPaint activated inlay view and lots of people where confused
+ Now it shows on the button that options are to be set by clicking with alt, and the script should start using the correct parameters

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 11:16
by schwarzgrau
Thank you Nathan! It's really such a useful script

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 31 Aug 2022, 11:00
by NathanOtano
Did a small update of the script with bugfixes and a link to this page for instructions

Bugfixes :
- Options setted to "Yes" by default are correctly activated on first use (hide lightable and hide current himage)
- Brush no longer switches to "Color" mode after set script is used

Re: OTANO Out Of Peg Tools

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 16:16
by tribute27
I've been using this script for years and after all this time it's still one of my top favorites, thank you for creating it and keeping it updated!