Easier UI for importing part of a video/sequence

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Easier UI for importing part of a video/sequence

Post by NathanOtano »

I often need to import part of a video in TVP, but choosing the mark in/out is a little difficulte. You can't increment/decrement the number with arrows so you have to write the number each time to check the image, and when you click enter you lose the controle on writing on the box. So I end up clicking, changing the number, enter... Clicking again, changing the number, enter... Etc.
A little slider to flip image after image, two buttons + arrows shortcut to go frame by frame and staying on text mode while hitting enter could be the easiest workaround.

Working on Windows 10
Creator of Disnosc, providing storyboard, animation and design for 2D realistic pictural animation: https://www.disnosc.fr/ - nathanotano@disnosc.fr
Highly interested in animation workflows, I'm open to scripting new TVP functions for individuals and studios.
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