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Enable stylus eraser while the main tip is on another tool

Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 10:34
by Soom
I was thinking to post it for a long time, but somehow kept postponing. I also searched through forums and couldn't find the thread, although I remember that people were talking about this.
My Wacom stylus pen has an eraser chosen for the eraser pen tip. Whenever I'm drawing with a brush, it works fine, but as soon as I select Selection tool, or any other tool than brush, the eraser tip just uses the same tool instead of an Eraser. Many times fin myself flipping the pen to quickly erase something (kind of a natural instinct), but realize it's actually on some other tool still, so I need to pick a needed Eraser again, or go to brush tool, and then flip the pen again...
If there was any way to make that eraser pen tip work independently it would be really amazing.

Re: Enable stylus eraser while the main tip is on another to

Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 02:54
by Elodie
Yes, you're right !

I don't know if we can change this on our side, but we can have a look.

Re: Enable stylus eraser while the main tip is on another to

Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 11:09
by Soom
Thanks, it would be a great improvement!