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Re: Cursor switches to an arrow after display toggle

Posted: 04 Apr 2019, 10:47
by Harlock
Hello Schwarzgrau, thank you for your Answer. You were right, TVPaint was’t freezing, it was just the Stylus which wouldn’t respond. As you said, if I tip the Cintiq with the back of the pen, that brings the cursor back. It is still annoying when it happens, but is indeed much better than waiting 20 to 30 seconds until the pencil works again by itself, so thank you for pointing that out to me!

Just out of curiosity: Do you also have the other bug with unwanted straight lines at the beginning of strokes?

Re: Cursor switches to an arrow after display toggle

Posted: 04 Apr 2019, 19:00
by schwarzgrau
Unfortunately not. Or not as far as I know.

Re: Cursor switches to an arrow after display toggle

Posted: 05 Apr 2019, 12:16
by Harlock
You should be happy for not having that :D

Re: Pointer changing to arrow

Posted: 06 May 2019, 13:26
by theo1231231
I've been checking out the Arron Blaise tutorials, this happens to him too but he doesn't seem to notice it at all, maybe he's made his peace with it or maybe the problem is just beneath him. Anyway thanks for the answer :P

Re: Pointer changing to arrow

Posted: 06 May 2019, 21:00
by Soom
Same problem here - it's an old issue unfortunately on Macs, but over time I somehow god used to it - I usually quickly move the cursor to any TVP panel and this fixes it (no need to click). putting Do Not Disturb ON is a kind of workaround too, unless you actually need those notifications...

Re: Pointer changing to arrow

Posted: 03 Jul 2019, 21:35
by Soom
OK, I would just like to confirm, that this issue has become unbearable - it increased after I switched to High Sierra, and now the pointer turns to arrow not just on notifications, but completely at random and very often. This behavior is NOT supposed to happen no matter what.

Re: Pointer changing to arrow

Posted: 20 Nov 2019, 18:45
by D.T. Nethery
I have Do Not Disturb set on Notifications , but this issue persists. No matter what I set it to in Preferences my cursor randomly turns into an arrow. (in Preferences I can't even get the option "circle" to show up . If I set it to circle it still shows up as an arrow.)

Over time I got tired of fighting with it , so I left the cursor set to Arrow in Preferences, but I realized I would prefer to have it set as a dot because the arrow is awkward to use for some delicate clean-up work I'm doing.

Is there any progress on fixing this issue ?

Re: Pointer changing to arrow

Posted: 27 Nov 2019, 17:28
by Soom
D.T. Nethery wrote: 20 Nov 2019, 18:45 I have Do Not Disturb set on Notifications , but this issue persists. No matter what I set it to in Preferences my cursor randomly turns into an arrow. (in Preferences I can't even get the option "circle" to show up . If I set it to circle it still shows up as an arrow.)

Over time I got tired of fighting with it , so I left the cursor set to Arrow in Preferences, but I realized I would prefer to have it set as a dot because the arrow is awkward to use for some delicate clean-up work I'm doing.

Is there any progress on fixing this issue ?
same here. I found that restarting TVPaint helps for a while, but this is still veeeery frustrating...

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 17:56
by BeniMorard
Was there ever a Fix for this issue?

It is 2019 and I still have the same Problem.
Working in Version TVPaint 11 Pro on a Late 2013 iMac running macOS Catalina Vaersion 10.15.1

The Cross "randomly" switches to Arrow an stays that way. Only way to change it back is to switch to another Software and back to TVPaint.
As others have mentioned before, the switches are probably connected to notifications or other smal push in the background in other software as Spotify or Youtube in a browser that makes the curser "think" I am in another software and then does not switch back.

Re: Cursor switches to an arrow after display toggle

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 18:11
by BeniMorard
Got a similar issue.

Cross switches to Arrow and stays like that. Only way to switch back is a quick Cmd + Tab to change software, and then come back to TVP.
Also sometimes, if I was using another Software, TVPaint does NOT react to any clicks with the Pen. Then I have to klick with my mouse somewhere OR turn the Pen over and "use" the eraser quickly to make it work again.

It's such a smal bug that I never bothered to report it. Actually I always thought: Meh it's gonna be gone in the next update of either macOS, Wacome or TVPaint.But now I see in the other Thred that this Problem is here since before 2016 and there was enver postet anything about a fix.

Absolutely EVERYBODY in our Office with a Cintiq and iMac has had this issue as long as they can remember when using TVPaint.
So.. Can we please get a fix for that?

Re: Pointer changing to arrow

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 18:18
by BeniMorard
D.T. Nethery wrote: 20 Nov 2019, 18:45 I have Do Not Disturb set on Notifications , but this issue persists. No matter what I set it to in Preferences my cursor randomly turns into an arrow. (in Preferences I can't even get the option "circle" to show up . If I set it to circle it still shows up as an arrow.)

Over time I got tired of fighting with it , so I left the cursor set to Arrow in Preferences, but I realized I would prefer to have it set as a dot because the arrow is awkward to use for some delicate clean-up work I'm doing.

Is there any progress on fixing this issue ?
Same! It's getting worse in macOS catalina. Got a new 4k Cintiq just the other month, but it's still there. so it must be a problem between macOs and TvPaint. Probably due to more and more invisble operations going on in the background of the system?

It has always been a annoying little bug, but like everybody else I somehow adapted to it and always thought: Meh, they gonna fix it soon.
Well, soon is over. I would like to have a fix.

Re: Pen cursor problem (changing to an arrow)

Posted: 09 Dec 2019, 12:29
by Thierry
Hey there,

I've merged the topics discussing about this issue.

I am also happy to announce that we solved this bug :)
The fix will be in our next update (no ETA on that yet though).