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Re: Mirage owner status?

Posted: 18 Dec 2008, 07:06
by User 767
hardly a separate product. Copyright info in Mirage sort of bears that out. Though the completely different look and feel of TVP vs Mirage might make you think that.

Oddly enough, you can get a better (relative) discount by switching from Mirage/TVP to some other animation softwares-via competitive crossgrade deals. Even a Flame upgrade is [percentage-wise] cheaper than the Mirage to TVP deal. (Well, it was before the AutoDesk acquisition, I'm not sure about now).

Yes, I just upgraded Photoshop 4 to CS4. Same price as any other version to current (I've done this in the past as well, I think I have five different PS licenses in various versions that get upgraded as needed to scale for projects).

Hardly matters what anyone says or does here. Price is set, that's that. I think it matters that people complain. TVP isn't going along with what's typical in the software industry. So what. You lose some customers. Hopefully your upgrade revenue works out better than the lost customer revenue. My understanding is that upgrades are where the money is. Get the customers and keep them, right? Or lose them. In the end, it will all work itself out. Listen to the customers, or don't. Sometimes it's worthwhile, sometimes it's not.

Re: Mirage owner status?

Posted: 18 Dec 2008, 09:22
by Fabrice
Nice catchphrase, if it sounds good, does it need to have any meaning?
Sorry, I'm french and I probably did not translate my idea correctly.

I just wanted to say that Mirage (TVPaint 7 technology) belongs to the past. The most interesting things will come in the future.

Re: Mirage owner status?

Posted: 18 Dec 2008, 10:37
by Peter Wassink
don't worry, we'll pardon your french

Re: Mirage owner status?

Posted: 18 Dec 2008, 12:18
by Paul Fierlinger
I'd like to see a discussion on this forum about how individual animators make use of the Instances system; what is your workflow? Where do you start and how do you solve certain inherit problems of inbetweening? I would start this discussion myself if I wouldn't feel so insecure about the way I work with instances since I know that there are people here who first participated in its development, thus improved and learned useful techniques as they beta tested, and secondly they have been working this way much longer than I have.

It took me too long to get into using instances when I first came back here because very little of it made sense to me. After I began to experiment out of curiosity with its possibilities I was amazed at how much the system streamlined my work flow. Would anyone experienced want to start such a thread, or just pick up right here?

Re: Mirage owner status?

Posted: 18 Dec 2008, 12:25
by slowtiger
I use instances, but not really versatile enough. Haven't managed so far to scroll through the frames, that's it. I take this as a sign that the interface isn't intuitively enough for me.

Re: Mirage owner status?

Posted: 18 Dec 2008, 21:16
by Fabrice
I use instances, but not really versatile enough. Haven't managed so far to scroll through the frames, that's it.
Please explain more, we need to know that in order to improve the way it works :)