Tutorials please?

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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Elodie »

masterchief wrote:We want and need organized and comprehensive library of video training for TVPaint.
Be patient :D We just wait a "cooler" period in order to organize video trainings, contains, level etc..
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Fabrice »

Elodie wrote:
masterchief wrote:We want and need organized and comprehensive library of video training for TVPaint.
Be patient :D We just wait a "cooler" period in order to organize video trainings, contains, level etc..
and translations of those tutorials :)
Fabrice Debarge
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Elodie »

Yes, I forgot the world is not speaking French... yet. :mrgreen:
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Kathleen »

Elodie wrote:Yes, I forgot the world is not speaking French... yet. :mrgreen:
:lol: Ah, oui!
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by ingie01 »

Thank you to all who replied and commented on this thread. I am again so happy with the forum and the people who inhabit it. My hope is that the tutorial base will increase and does not become a lip-service response ( as happens in human interaction).
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Elodie »

ingie01 wrote:My hope is that the tutorial base will increase and does not become a lip-service response ( as happens in human interaction).
Yes, of course ! Tutorials are only a help to users, but will never be the only answer to problems.

In fact, if making beginner tutorials is "easy" (I mean, we know what a beginner want to know : how to draw, how to erase, how to animate, how to add layers etc...), the making of more advanced users is more complicated.
People who already know the software have different needs. I am working for TVPaint for 3 years now, and during those 3 years, I rarely had the same "advanced" questions. Each user is different =)
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by chatbraque »

CartoonMonkey wrote:What specifically would you like to know? I'd be glad to record a short session / tutorial. Let me know!

Maybe there is some other volunteers, that would be Ok to make some tutorials too ?
… It might be interesting to open a new topic dedicated to tell "who's covering what" ?

(to avoid doing twice the job ?)

any advice ?
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Thunderdog »

I'd settle just to be able to watch someone make a full 1 second animation fully colored with sound and background. Something really dynamic(action) i'd think that could show all the features in use in a project, wouldn't it? I get the feeling that anything longer would pretty much be more of the same except for super special cases that would probably be hard to think up on the spot if not for some already existing necessity.

I'm planning on trying to re-animate a scene from a favorite toon with hopes I'll be able to deconstruct and get an idea for all the skills/tools 1 would typically use in tvp.
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Kathleen »

Thunderdog wrote:I'd settle just to be able to watch someone make a full 1 second animation fully colored with sound and background. Something really dynamic(action) i'd think that could show all the features in use in a project, wouldn't it? I get the feeling that anything longer would pretty much be more of the same except for super special cases
"I'm planning on trying to re-animate a scene from a favorite toon with hopes I'll be able to deconstruct and get an idea for all the skills/tools 1 would typically use in tvp.

I think this is a great place to start - a tutorial in action - watching someone "DO" is such a good way to learn, for me, any way. Even when I am no longer such a "newbie" I would use such a tutorial as a basic refresher.

As I learn this software, I am trying to do the same,to see what would be helpful in a tutorial for beginners.
So far, one of the best learning tools, other than the forums, is the tutorial "Your first Animation" as it handles the "basics" very nicely.
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by chatbraque »

Thunderdog wrote: i'd think that could show all the features in use in a project, wouldn't it?
Kathleen wrote:one of the best learning tools, other than the forums, is the tutorial "Your first Animation" as it handles the "basics" very nicely.
Yes ! it's twice a good idea… it might teach how to animate as well as TVP (at the same time) ?

That's an other one I had on my mind for quite a long time… might it be possible to have room on this forum, dedicated to something like : " how to animate !"

I'm a total beginner… learning from books (williams, blair etc…) and I'm maybe not the only one…
Is it relevant to ask for a place here where we could share our first steps ? and be corrected (trained) ?
(it might give the virus to other "surfers" !)

I can see that several of us here are no more students… and wo'nt be anymore… except, maybe, here !
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

I can see that several of us here are no more students… and wo'nt be anymore… except, maybe, here !
Well put, but considering the developer's shortness of time, and considering how much time it takes to build a tutorial, and finally considering that it is beyond the scope of developers to teach their software owners how to become animators given that the software is made for animators, would you be willing to start a collection to pay someone like lemec to create a tutorial that teaches how to animate? Personally, I would prefer that the valuable time of developers be spent on further developing the functionality of the software.
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Fabrice »

Paul Fierlinger wrote:
I can see that several of us here are no more students… and wo'nt be anymore… except, maybe, here !
Well put, but considering the developer's shortness of time, and considering how much time it takes to build a tutorial, and finally considering that it is beyond the scope of developers to teach their software owners how to become animators given that the software is made for animators, would you be willing to start a collection to pay someone like lemec to create a tutorial that teaches how to animate? Personally, I would prefer that the valuable time of developers be spent on further developing the functionality of the software.
Well, doing tutorials is more a commercial work. Indeed, the dev team has many other stuff to focus on.

By the way, our tutorials will explain you how to use the possibilities of the software, and they will explain how to master all options. (for example how to activate or unactivate the auto-break instance mode, and what it does exactly)

They won't be drawing tutorials nor 2D animation tutorials. As I use to explain to the students, They will need a few days to master the basics of TVPaint, but they will need a whole life to learn how to draw and or animate, depending on their skills and styles.
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Kathleen »

"By the way, our tutorials will explain you how to use the possibilities of the software, and they will explain how to master all options. (for example how to activate or unactivate the auto-break instance mode, and what it does exactly)

They won't be drawing tutorials nor 2D animation tutorials. As I use to explain to the students, They will need a few days to master the basics of TVPaint, but they will need a whole life to learn how to draw and or animate, depending on their skills and styles."
This is what a beginner needs to understand. I have been drawing and painting for many years, learning software to draw and paint with for far fewer years, but I have found it to be the most creative and fun! way to "make marks." I have learned software many different ways: classroom, personal study, books, books and more books, and tutorials. The best software does what it does best by sticking to just that.
Personally, I look to TVPaint for the richness of its program, tools and customer support. I look to the animators like Disney, Mayazaki, White, Johnson,Blair, etc., to show me how to develop the skills to take my art to the next step in its evolution - movement and animation. I hope TVPaint keeps to the stuff it is so excellently doing, and maybe add a couple more tutorials to help us along the road to learning the tools of the trade. TVPaint is the best software I found and I looked at and trialed demos and visited the forums of many before deciding to invest my hard-begged funds here. Keep it up TVP Team, and thanks for a great product.
(My two cents!)
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by chatbraque »

Paul Fierlinger wrote:
I can see that several of us here are no more students… and wo'nt be anymore… except, maybe, here !
Well put, but considering the developer's shortness of time, and considering how much time it takes to build a tutorial, and finally considering that it is beyond the scope of developers to teach their software owners how to become animators given that the software is made for animators, would you be willing to start a collection to pay someone like lemec to create a tutorial that teaches how to animate? Personally, I would prefer that the valuable time of developers be spent on further developing the functionality of the software.
All right Paul… I'm - of course - considering all these points… and was still only talking about "volunteers"
… In my carreer, I have had some "dead times" and I sometimes used them teatching (to friends or even schools of art)…
… then, if advanced animators, not too busy, do have a teatcher's soul… I'm adressing them… none of my intentions to distract the busy ones from their work :wink:

Fabrice :
I was not praying for tutorials about learning "how to be an animator" (and certainly not done by your team)… but for a "section" in this forum where beginners might show their first steps (and not only their works)… "advanced", might guide them, and possibly, share their tips and tricks ( still talking about volunteers)…
(for example, what zigotto has just done in an other tread (about the pendulum mouvement))

Believe me or not, but when watching Lemec's tutorials, I'm learning TVP AND "how to animate" at the same time… (and "how Lemec is animating with TVP", too… )

I do insist, it's certainly a good thing for "TVP" to show "in live" how TVP is accurate in traditional animation … and, plus, it's not a matter of making an "animator from a beginner", but more to show how it works… and how fun (and hard) "animation" is… and how to avoid "beginner's mistakes" that might drift your TVp package, lying on the dark side of a forgotten shelf…

as a beginner, I must say that I would be really interested in watching this kind of threads… and it might also be a good "incitation" for visitors to buy the software …

(IMO… and I'm stopping the tread her… no will to argue any longer, it was only a suggestion… have a good day folks !)
Last edited by chatbraque on 20 Jan 2012, 08:58, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tutorials please?

Post by Fabrice »

ok, we will do our best anyway. :)
Fabrice Debarge
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