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Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 11:33
by Paul Fierlinger
The expectations of civility are disappearing from all circles of life it seems, which gives me more reasons to stay away from these “festivities”. Truthfully, I am shocked at how many animators accept such dubious values of festival organizers with no objections and allow themselves to be treated with such disrespect for their hard work. It can be witnessed at every turn of the corner around Annecy and Ottawa. This sort of treatment is being handed out by most festivals for the past few years and the ruthlessness of organizers is only on the rise.

So again, this part of the animator’s life I can live without. Perhaps I am a cry baby, coming to think of it, and because I have always adhered to the acumen that if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen I will, I will.

All I can think of saying now is that it is a shame; the kitchen wasn’t always so hot when the festivities were cool. It used to be that the business of animation festivals was to keep the business of making films out of the kitchen. Now, by popular demand, it has become just another instrument of doing business and that I can get done without submitting myself to this sort of abuse.

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 11:50
by slowtiger
Well, any festival can reject any film for any reason they want. But I expect some honesty beforehand, a term like "we'll only screen films of interest to producers and distributors", somewhere in the submission rules. Nothing like that on the ITFS site.

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 20:44
by skomdra
Congratulation Paul, it was awesome to wach your movie on a big screen. It made me think, feel, imagine, lough, aftertaste was beautiful and award much expected. ... o_metropia" onclick=";return false;
paul_hello.jpeg (32.85 KiB) Viewed 97373 times
wonderful hello from web camera also worked great to the audience.

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 12:32
by Paul Fierlinger
Oops, I just came across this... many thanks skomdra. Tell me, has Zagreb now become a feature film festival only? It's very strange to see just nine films listed in the entire program -- or is this a separate event from the standard Zagreb one? Will there be two festivals annually now? Very confusing to me.

What was it like to watch just feature films over the course of three days and how did the audiences take to it? From my past experiences there, the Zagreb animation festival audiences are very special because they seem to be on a higher intellectual plain then other festivals -- namely the audiences at Annecy or Ottawa I would place on the lower end of the scale.

(Aren't generalizations maddening? but also not so difficult to define because of the quality of the films accepted into competition versus the ones left out, which perhaps might have received top billings at other festivals.)

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 21:24
by CartoonMonkey
I'm proud to announce that the children's music videos I did for Committee for Children in Seattle, won the CINE Golden Eagle Award for 2011 in the children's education category!

(I share the same award with Sesame Street as well)" onclick=";return false; ... fiction/#2" onclick=";return false;


Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 21:49
by Paul Fierlinger
Congratulations, Chadd!!! I didn't know Cine was still around -- I remember the year it never happened because they were broke. I won a Cine that year, which my client went to pick up and no one opened the doors for the angry throngs. This was in New York. So I I never got it -- actually, I should say the client never got to buy it for me, because as I recall, to take the big prize home you had to dish out 200 bucks -- and this was in the eighties.

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 01:22
by CartoonMonkey
Ha ha! Thank you Paul. I had worked very hard on those animations, so it was a bit of a surprise when the organization had entered it into the CINE awards in the first place. I doubt I'll ever see any official little plaque or award itself, but I suppose I can now call myself an "award winning animator." I remember CINE from the early 90's.
At any rate, a tiny feather for my animation hat.

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 01:50
by Paul Fierlinger
You wouldn't even want to enter yourself; it costs lots of money just to enter. You don't get a little plaque; you get a heavy statuette; the Golden Eagle. How heavy? It depends on how much you want to impress your clients:" onclick=";return false;
Sorry to be brutal about this competition -- but it's a brutal affair of itself, spread all over the world as far as India and beyond, with many, many, many categories, which all reap in big money for the organization.

Your real award is the fact that your client considered your work worthy of the entry expense. The rule of thumb with awards is that they go to the director or filmmaker, but in the case of the Cine Eagle, one has to back away from this thumb rule because you're not buying the award; your client is. Really, the biggest award is when the client buys it for you, so I actually have one from a client for whom I had made films for over 15 years (US HEALTHCARE). So once more, congratulations, you have a client who holds you in high esteem and you shall receive many more orders from him (put that in your fortune cookie). :mrgreen:

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 07:10
by Elodie
congrats Chad :D

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 07:22
by Eric Scholl
Congratulations !!! I really like your video :D

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 09:01
by CartoonMonkey
I may as well post the 2nd video of the two. "Walk!"
These are sold as a series of videos about non-violence across the USA to K-12 schools.
This one more a mishmash of cutout photos / live video, with some motion tracking. I think I used every feature of TVP on this one:
:D" onclick=";return false;


Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 09:32
by Elodie
Hehe, I didn't remember Walk, it's a nice video clip too ^^

(but I still prefer "Step" ^^)

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 09:41
by Eric Scholl
I like "Walk" too, and big heads are really fun :)

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 17:20
by CartoonMonkey
"Walk" had more.. cooks in the kitchen as it were. Multiple people deciding the style.
I also prefer "Step" if for no other reason than the music.
On to better things..! Thanks guys!

Re: Did you win an award ?

Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 08:51
by Elodie
Congratulations to Pascale Hequet, who won the SABAM Prize at Anima, for her short movie "Duo de volailles, sauce chasseur" =)" onclick=";return false;