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Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:05
by fabrice_
bigjoe wrote:Hi,
These evidences are very interesting as well as these images taken from various About panels.

I recently downloaded the Mirage demo version and i found the same About panel as the one shown by Fabrice, the same development team is mentioned...
My next following question can seem stupid but where is the new develoment team ?
Aren't they able to modify the program yet ?
And they are still selling this version ???

Thanks for you replies.

Best Regards,

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that the new developpement team of BHS is not mentionned in the about section of mirage.
Maybe the best is to ask them directly ... :roll:

edit : opps, Lemec has made a big answer before me :wink:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:19
by lemec
Well, I guess if you're looking for answers on the new dev team, just look at their recent press releases.

So far, I've only heard of "Gareth Vigo" who's been added in the MAY newsletter

And then there's Steve Bowie AKA "Guru" on the BHS forums. Now I think there aren't that many TVP programmers -- Hervé Adam and Eric Matecki (who handles the Mac port, I think...)-- so you don't need a bazillion programmers to make a good software application, but Hervé's an oldschool guy who's been programming for aeons, back in the days that computers were really slow, had very little memory and limited resources -- which makes him perfect for making applications that run really really fast. I don't know if I can say the same for the BHS team -- but the main thing is that they're WAY behind without the source code -- for an application that's been tweaked and adjusted and optimised for over a decade. They'll have to code their next version from scratch, and well, suffice to say, it'll be a very different program afterwards -- you can replace the handle and the head of an axe, and still call it an axe, but it's not the same axe that you started with.

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:19
by lemec
*double post -- sorry*

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 21:41
by electro-box
Lemec, maybe the oasis plugin dev is from new dev team ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 22:58
by lemec
Did they mention Bob Tasa on a recent BHS press release? He made the Oasis titleFX for Mirage... but I guess it's irrelevant... it makes no difference how amazing their developer team is because without source code, they might as well make their own animation program...

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 11:29
by electro-box
yes I try Oasis titler FX and never work for me :(

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 00:31
by ZigOtto
oldies but goldies, here's a grab of my favorite intro amongst all others :
an angry crocodile with a "tvpaint" crest on his back!
is that an Olivier Michon master-piece too?
hmmm... if so, he must have been smoking some grass I guess ...
an so funny how he rolls his tail to stay entire in the frame ... :D

ps : btw, does it exist a way to import old intro files (.tsb , .asb) into tvpa,
to be exported/converted in a more classic animation file format (gif, mov, avi, ...)?


Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 08:38
by Hervé
is that an Olivier Michon master-piece too?
no, it's Nicolas Geley ( Kiko )

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 08:40
by Hervé
The new version of the recorder

Re: Croco

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 15:51
by ZigOtto
Hervé wrote:no, it's Nicolas Geley ( Kiko )
oh yes, I see now the difference of style!... :)
thanks for the intro recorder plugin Hervé,
I tried it very quickly, and I noticed a "splatch" at the first contact of the stylus on the tablet (intuos2 A5),
is it only with me or is it the same for others?

ps : btw, how did you convert it to .gif ?

Re: Croco

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 16:52
by Hervé
ZigOtto wrote: I tried it very quickly, and I noticed a "splatch" at the first contact of the stylus on the tablet (intuos2 A5),
OK, it's a bug, it wil be fixed ASAP
ZigOtto wrote: ps : btw, how did you convert it to .gif ?
Create an anim layer with a lot of frame, select all and click on the Apply button

Re: Croco

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 16:59
by ZigOtto
Hervé wrote:
ZigOtto wrote: ps : btw, how did you convert it to .gif ?
Create an anim layer with a lot of frame, select all and click on the Apply button
OK, thanks;
I've forgotten to make an anim layer !... :oops:

Posted: 08 Aug 2006, 08:03
by Hervé
New Version of the intro recorder

Posted: 08 Aug 2006, 13:01
by ZigOtto
bug fixed ...for about 70% ... it remains 30% to be perfect ! :)
maybe my wacom is set (tablet driver) too sensible (soft-touch) ,
I'll try with a harder curve-sensibility to see the difference.