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Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 13:55
by ten_zero
lapprenti roi des singes wrote:Gambate !
I'm lookig forward to see more drawings from you with this technique, as I feel that you're already better than me at that.
In fact, I'd like to send PM to you that may draw your ''劍和筆(L'épée et le pinceau)'' fan art for respect.

I like a part especially that is the Sword man reborn from the way of sword (black and white) to the way of brush (color).

Thank you.

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 14:01
by Elodie
Wah O_o

Few strokes that give an impressive dynamism ! It reminds me Yoshitaka Amano's work <3

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 16:18
by lapprenti roi des singes
Wah !!!

My first fanart ever !!!

Damn ! I'm moved, Ten-Zero ^^ ! Really (and you even draw my character better than I do ^^)
It's me that have to thank you to let me see that even now, more than 3 years after it's been done, my movie can still move people !

Guess I have no choice : I'll have to draw the next episode, now !
Let's see : coming out ... in 2 years ^^ ? Haha !

Well actually, I've already made something alike mixing live-footage with a little of chinese animated paintings.
Nothing really impressive actually, it's a MV made for a friend DJ inTaiwan.

I'll post it as soon as I've got the permission (not so soon, unfortunately).

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 10 Sep 2010, 07:53
by ten_zero
Domo Arigato :D
Elodie wrote:Few strokes that give an impressive dynamism ! It reminds me Yoshitaka Amano's work <3
:mrgreen: We grew up with AMANO art works (his carrier began from 1970's TV Animation, Gatcha man, Time BOKAN series, Gowapper 5 Godam and etc.) !
Spoiler : FF art and Time BOKAN medley :
lapprenti roi des singes wrote:It's me that have to thank you to let me see that even now, more than 3 years after it's been done, my movie can still move people !
Thank you again and That's right !
I am looking forward to seeing your next Imagination.

"劍和筆" sword fight recall me that 李連杰(Jet Li)"英雄/HERO" and Taiwanese traditional marionette "布袋戯(Pili)").
Spoiler : Action in silent :

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 10 Sep 2010, 08:02
by Elodie
ten_zero wrote:Domo Arigato :D
Elodie wrote:Few strokes that give an impressive dynamism ! It reminds me Yoshitaka Amano's work <3
:mrgreen: We grew up with AMANO art works (his carrier began from 1970's TV Animation, Gatcha man, Time BOKAN series, Gowapper 5 Godam and etc.) !
Yep I knew this ^^
Thanks for the video about FF. There was few artworks showed that I had never seen before =3

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 10 Sep 2010, 08:06
by ten_zero
Elodie wrote: Thanks for the video about FF. There was few artworks showed that I had never seen before =3
I think some art from his complete prints book.
Amano 1991-2001.jpg
*spoke off the record*
I am very interesting to see how Microsoft "project Gustav (only for Windows, maybe :cry: < Poor my Macintosh)" reacts based "Moxi(墨戯 from Hong Kong)" for Sumi-e and Asian calligraphy.

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 10 Sep 2010, 14:06
by lapprenti roi des singes
Even though I don't know much of Amano's work (I've discovered his work only with Final Fantasy 6, when I was 15), I'm very attracted by his style. He's clearly one of the most recognizable living talents in the world nowaday.

As for the examples you showed, Hero was actually my biggest reference for one of my previous movie, the Wedding Dress, ( which I even shamelessly put the original OST on for the music, for the 1st version ).
I didn't really thought about it anymore while I made the Sword and the paintbrush, but I guess the memory was deeply carved into me ^^.

And yes, to follow you off topic, Project Gustav looks wonderful ! Wonder when it will be out ?
Now, let's just waiting for an Hybrid hardware mashed up between Ipad and Cintiq to come out, and the world will suddenly become muuuuuch brighter !

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 09:00
by Elodie
Thanks for the book link =)

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 20:48
by ten_zero
A Winter Greeting 2011.

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 07:23
by Elodie
Really nice ! I love the rabbit's face =D

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 09:14
by Fabrice
Akemashite omedeto (明けましておめでとう) ! :)

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 13:24
by ZigOtto
lovely card ! thanks Ten_Zero,
and happy 2011 to you ! :wink:

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 06:54
by ten_zero
Here is a sketch for "something" with customized TVPaint pencil doodle brush.
It's too hard to cleanup for me.
Spoiler : Not sumi-e and keep close if you takes no interest in Japanese Anime or Manga's character design. :
I use WACOM tablet driver "Handwriting recognition" mode.

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 22:35
by Fabrice
Not sumi-e and keep close if you takes no interest in Japanese Anime or Manga's character design.
Hello Ten zero,

I'm ready to help you, but I don't understand your problem. Please excuse me.

Re: Try to "Sumi-e" on PC

Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 08:00
by ten_zero
Fabrice wrote: Hello Ten zero,

I'm ready to help you, but I don't understand your problem. Please excuse me.
It means "I need to refine my draw style for learn TVPaint", not means "It is too difficult for me to learn TVPaint Animation of all".

My draw style is too JAPANIMATIONish (independent study style), not ARTistic (specialized instruction work) so something must be change before announcement here.

One more thing, I know overseas national people do not always like Japanese Animation and Manga Character design than their devotees.
That is why sometimes I use "quote" tag for the file.
Edited on 7th, Macrh 2011:

Not "quote", "spoiler" tag.