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Re: Hi There

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 12:15
by hisko
Stefan wrote:Hi all,
can you believe I missed the latest bunch of your posts because it hadn't sunk in yet
that there's a second page? Oh boy!

Thanks for the tips on the video-sites. I think I'll keep looking for a really good opportunity lo publish my films. Something along the lines of Atom films or the likes? They made me an offer once but there was no follow up. Anyone has any experiences in this ?

In the meantime I am thinking of
storing the films on the web-server (taking off the site for a while) and giving you a link to download them from there. If I can reduce the films to less than 50 Mb in reasonable quality that is. What format would you recommend MPEG 4?
I have the best experiences with Divx (the newest) and with mpg2 (in premiere C.S.2 go to export- adobe media encoder etc.)
Divx will be the smallest file.
H.264 is the best format in potential, but I keep having colorshift problems.
Because Suburbanites is in black and white, that might not be the biggest concern, although it will appear lighter (greyer).

Re: Hi There

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 12:33
by idragosani
hisko wrote:I have the best experiences with Divx (the newest) and with mpg2 (in premiere C.S.2 go to export- adobe media encoder etc.)
Divx will be the smallest file.
H.264 is the best format in potential, but I keep having colorshift problems.
Because Suburbanites is in black and white, that might not be the biggest concern, although it will appear lighter (greyer).
DivX is a good format, very high quality. MPEG2 is DVD quality but rarely used for web distribution.. H.264 is becoming quite popular (aka MPEG4 Part 10). DivX, though, I don't think is an open standard, but it uses MPEG4 Part 2 compression.

I think YouTube is ok just to get some clips up -- I think they are supporting higher resolutions now. MyToons is pretty good but yeah... some of us still have a bad taste in our mouths over the Bauhaus fiasco.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 01:24
by Mandalaholic
Vimeo supports HD.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 08:59
by ZigOtto
DailyMotion does as well .

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 10:42
by ZigOtto
idragosani wrote: MyToons is pretty good but yeah... some of us still have a bad taste in our mouths over the Bauhaus fiasco.
... HD or not, it's not a "bad taste" matter here, did you even read their 'terms of use" ???
In consideration of MyToons permitting you to submit the Submitted Content and potentially including such Submitted Content on MyToons, the MyToons site for broadcast or other affiliates, partners or licensees as provided for herein, you hereby grant to MyToons the non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, irrevocable right and license to exhibit, broadcast, stream, copy, host, cache, store, reformat, excerpt, analyze, reproduce, encode, compress, encrypt, translate, incorporate data into, edit, broadcast, rebroadcast, transmit, record, publicly perform, create derivative works of, and distribute and synchronize in timed relation to visual elements, the Materials and/or any portions or excerpts thereof, in any and all manners and forms for an unlimited number of times, in any and all media, manners and platforms, now known or hereafter invented (including all forms of television, Internet, and wireless transmission), throughout the universe, in perpetuity. The foregoing includes all necessary licenses to use the compositions and sound recordings of any music included in the Submitted Content in order to host, index, display, perform, synchronize, and distribute Submitted Content, and the right to modify Submitted Content to the extent technically necessary to index and display Submitted Content.

You understand and agree that MyToons shall have the right to use the Submitted Content and the Materials to advertise, promote and publicize MyToons, and to permit the licensees and assignees of MyToons the right to advertise, promote and publicize their services in any and all media throughout the universe (including, but not limited to, the Internet). You further understand and agree that such advertising, promotion and publicity may include portions and excerpts, in addition to cut-in, synchronized, dubbed or superimposed versions of the Materials. You also understand and agree that MyToons may use and authorize others to use your name, voice and likeness, as well as the name, voice and likeness of those individuals who rendered services in connection with the Submitted Content, in any and all media in relation to the advertising, promotion and/or publicizing of your Submitted Content, MyToons and the licensees and assignees of MyToons.

Without limiting the foregoing, you expressly acknowledge and agree that MyToons shall have the right to: (i) include advertising for any entity, product and/or service in any Submitted Content, in any manner, including using pre-rolls, post-rolls, superimposed graphics, etc.; (ii) place advertising on any players or applications exhibiting, displaying, distributing or performing the Submitted Content (including run of site advertising, targeted advertising, contextual advertising), or any web page containing any Submitted Content, such advertising may be in the form of texts, graphic, video, a combination thereof or any other manner as determined by MyToons at its sole discretion and on terms determined by MyToons in its sole discretion; and (iii) license to third parties any Submitted Content, on terms determined by MyToons in its sole discretion, permitting such third party to exercise any or all of the rights with respect to the Materials granted to MyToons hereunder.

I can't imagine any serious author granting rights on his work "... throughout the universe, in perpetuity" for peanuts ! :shock:
and further, "Termination of Service" :
We may, at our sole discretion, delete or deactivate your account, block your e-mail or IP address, or otherwise terminate your access to or use of the site or MyToons (or any part thereof), or modify or delete any text or other contributions to the site, immediately and without notice, and remove and discard any Submitted Content within the site, for any reason, including if we believe that you have acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of these Terms of Use. We will not be liable to you or to any third party for any termination of your access to or use of the site or MyToons. You agree not to attempt to use the site or MyToons after such termination.

The terms in Sections VIII, IX, X, XVI, XVII and XVIII shall survive any expiration or termination of these Terms of Use and shall remain in full force and effect regardless of whether you have ceased to use MyToons. We will have no obligation to retain any of your Submitted Content upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, but we may do so in our sole discretion.
and the last part :
By clicking the "Finish" button during the join process, and/or by continued use of this site, you acknowledge, just as if you have signed a written contract, that (1) you expressly agree to do business with us electronically for the matters covered by this Agreement and (2) you have read this Agreement in its entirety and agreed to abide by its terms and conditions.
by these terms, you won't do "business" with them, you only allow them to do business with your work,
...and for eternity ! a little distinction ... :roll:

at a pinch, it could be OK for demo-reel, penciltest, trailer, or short sample of your WIP,
but in NO case a whole movie in high res. :!:

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 11:22
by Peter Wassink
are you sure this is their last 'terms of use' zig?

after they put up their HD announcement on digg, i looked for it but did not find the one you show here. (i think...i might have looked in the wrong spot)
could you send the link, it would be only fair to make fellow animators aware of these preposterous conditions.

but in any case a whole movie in high res. :!:
i gather that you either mean "in NO case" or "NOT a whole movie"?

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 11:36
by ZigOtto
Tantalus wrote:are you sure this is their last 'terms of use' zig?

after they put up their HD announcement on digg, i looked for it but did not find the one you show here. (i think...i might have looked in the wrong spot)
could you send the link, it would be only fair to make fellow animators aware of these preposterous conditions.
that's another BIG problem, when you sign up, you also agree with any future change of these terms, at their discretion ... :shock:
# Modification of This Agreement

MyToons may change these Terms of Use at any time without further notice at our sole discretion. If we do so, we will post changes on this page, and indicate at the top of this page the date the changes were made. Changes will become effective immediately upon posting on this page. Your continued use of MyToons or the site after such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms of Use. You are responsible for checking for changes to these Terms of Use and reviewing such changes.
Tantalus wrote:
but in any case a whole movie in high res. :!:
i gather that you either mean "in NO case" or "NOT a whole movie"?
"but" meaning to me a shortening for "but DON'T..."
(my english is way to be as good as yours, thanks for pointing my erroneous expression.) :)
I'll edit it.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 11:45
by Paul Fierlinger
What I know of the place is that their goal is to first establish a place where only the best quality clips can be made; they have spent considerable money and talent resources on working these tecgnicalities out (to the demise and "retiring" of Mirage, because money has been already pouring into MyToons.)

The next phase is to get the world to recognize that this is THEE place to go for best animation clips.

Right now they offer everyone free websites -- they have neat templates to make your own website, you have the assurance of privacy through passwords etc.

Then come the darker drums -- the onset of small fees for this and that. Features to conduct meetings with your clients over the web, all that attractive jazz. Then they assist you with getting contacts and the fees go up and your exclusivity goes a notch down. There'll be a Ford in every business deal.

There should be nothing wrong with this kind of thinking; it's what the Internet excels in, Networking, and there's nothing wrong with sharing some of your income with the facilitator -- but when there happens to be something wrong with the character of the facilitator, there's a spoiler in the Net.

With all the lofty dreams we may devise in our imaginations about the shear breadth and power of the Internet, anything of that size can still fall into the controlling hands and mindset of one bad character (and Paul Ford has now left a paper trail of a couple uncouth deeds) and you have a house of cards.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 12:20
by ZigOtto
of course, the cyber-liberalism is a good opportunity to make fruitfull worldwide business ,
their goal is clearly to make easy money on creators's ressources,
but I doubt any content's submitter have really read and understood each line of this "terms of use",
or are they so naive, consenting gulls ?

give the full text to your lawyer, and tell me what he'll think about it .

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 13:00
by A1
And what the hell does this mean?
You also understand and agree that MyToons may use and authorize others to use your name, voice and likeness, as well as the name, voice and likeness of those individuals who rendered services in connection with the Submitted Content, in any and all media in relation to the advertising, promotion and/or publicizing of your Submitted Content, MyToons and the licensees and assignees of MyToons.
Furthermore, i wouldn't trust anyone that talks in slogans. On the Mirage forum Paul ford talked in slogans.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 13:15
by idragosani
A1 wrote:And what the hell does this mean?
You also understand and agree that MyToons may use and authorize others to use your name, voice and likeness, as well as the name, voice and likeness of those individuals who rendered services in connection with the Submitted Content, in any and all media in relation to the advertising, promotion and/or publicizing of your Submitted Content, MyToons and the licensees and assignees of MyToons.
Furthermore, i wouldn't trust anyone that talks in slogans. On the Mirage forum Paul ford talked in slogans.
Most CEOs talk that way.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 13:23
by A1
Most CEOs talk that way.
I don't trust CEOs then.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 13:38
by Sierra Rose
I haven't been there in quite awhile now, but when I was there mostly I saw work by 14-18 year olds. Would it even be legal to have them agree to this legalese?

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 14:16
by Stefan
Does anyone has any experience with ?
They seem very exclusive. You have to submit your films on DVD first , etc.
I had a look at two films but wasn't so crazy about the quality (technically).

Didn't read their terms yet.

Re: Hi There

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 14:50
by A1
maybe with this one you can even get some income:
folimage seems to have films on there, it looks to be in favour of the author, although you can never be sure! (read the terms i guess :lol: )
i don't know how it works though...