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Posted: 06 May 2008, 15:50
by ematecki
Mandalaholic wrote:I rented out my house as a vacation rental over the winter, and threw everything in storage. I'm pretty sure I paper clipped it into my manual.
Just start Mirage, Help>About Mirage...
There you have your lock code.

Posted: 06 May 2008, 16:01
by Paul Fierlinger
Hi Eric,

How are your fingers doing after the accident?

Posted: 06 May 2008, 16:06
by ematecki
Paul Fierlinger wrote:How are your fingers doing after the accident?
They are all working again.
The right pinky is slightly crooked, but otherwise works well.
Thanks for carring about this after such a long time !

Eric M.

Posted: 06 May 2008, 16:13
by Paul Fierlinger
Finger and eye accidents always freak me out and I desperately feel for anyone who has the bad luck of experiencing it. Glad to her it's healed (and I don't even have a MAC).

Posted: 06 May 2008, 16:14
by Mandalaholic
thank you so much ematecki!

Posted: 06 May 2008, 16:22
by ematecki
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Finger and eye accidents always freak me out and I desperately feel for anyone who has the bad luck of experiencing it. Glad to her it's healed (and I don't even have a MAC).
Yes, these are the most used 'outside' organs we have, they are used almost every second you are awake, and losing one must be terrible.

Posted: 06 May 2008, 20:20
by Geopeto
Mandalaholic wrote:Hi Geo!
Hope your pond is coming along just fine. Perhaps you can animate some of your visitors.
That would be funn!

First i must learn how............... :)

Posted: 07 May 2008, 03:16
by tonsofpcs
Hi all! I'm happy the support over here is now official, getting everyone together, although I did wish that the inevitable merge [of sorts] would include a forum merge... oh well, c'est la vie.

Posted: 07 May 2008, 03:19
by idragosani
I finally got an official email regarding the change of ownership from Bauhaus this evening.

Posted: 07 May 2008, 03:31
by tonsofpcs
So can someone tell me the difference between TVP Animation and TVP Animation Pro? What was in Mirage / Aura that is missing in TVP Animation, what wasn't that is in TVP Animation pro, etc. As I've been using versions from the Amiga through Mirage 1.5a, I am familiar with the software and its previous features, just a changelog would suffice.

Edit: I found the changes/comparison page, the only question I still have is non-Pro shows no "script panel", is there still script (element/george) support, just no quick selection panel?


Posted: 07 May 2008, 04:01
by djm99001
Welcome to TVPaint.
Yes, there's script support.


Re: The New home

Posted: 09 May 2008, 12:32
by rawhead
Hello all. That was little suprise to see changed mirageĀ“s website and nice forum disppear. Well, where i put my furnitures? :)

Re: The New home

Posted: 09 May 2008, 13:02
by grumbleboy
They already have furniture here! Just grab a chair and slide it up to the table--that's what I did.

Re: The New home

Posted: 09 May 2008, 17:59
by Gochris1
Good luck to everyone at Bauhaus Software.

Does anyone know if having a Mirage license entitles me to a TV paint license
- or at least a discount on a TV Paint license?

When Lost Marble sold Moho to E-Frontier, and E-Frontier changed Moho into Anime
Studio, E-Frontier gave licenses to Anime Studio to registered Moho users. A really smart business move.

Will something like that happen with Mirage/TV Paint?


Re: The New home

Posted: 09 May 2008, 18:02
by D.T. Nethery
Gochris1 wrote:
Does anyone know if having a Mirage license entitles me to a TV paint license
- or at least a discount on a TV Paint license?
Here's what you're looking for :

You will need your Mirage reg. code . This lets you purchase TVP PRO at 60% off the regular price.
The dongle you have now will still work, but they will need to assign you a new code to go with it and then
will direct you where to download the latest version of TVP PRO and the PayPal page to purchase.

You can also send in an email inquiry about the update from Mirage to TVP PRO -- ... Itemid=100