and someone or other pops up all the time here saying the same thing
If that guy is using the Mac version, it's normal (don't forget the 64 bit version has be partially re written in Cocoa) : this bug will be corrected soon.
In your case, Paul, you have to reset your configuration. Fabrice tried with different tablets and it was successful each time.
Personally, I disagree to propose an "interface for newbies" with one pencil, one eraser and a timeline with 10 frames, when starting the software for the first time.
When you learn how to drive, your vehicle has more than a wheel : you also have different treadles, the gear lever, blinkers... The driving-school instructor does not add these elements on your dashboard one after the others : you have to learn with all these elements at the same time, without forgetting to be careful on what's happening on the front, on the sides and behind you
It's the same with TVPaint, you have to be familiar on the main big features : the main panel, the color panel, the tool panel, the timeline and the drawing space. The user guide and the tutorials we did are your instructors, as well as the forum and our emails.
Another example : can you imagine an "interface for newbies" on After effects ? I can't. That's why I have been taught at school and why there are tutorials on the web.
We know TVPaint Animation still has some points to improve, and that's why the interface is still changing through the years. Don't forget, 4 years ago (in TVPaint 9.0), there were 4 lines in the main panel (3 now) and all the custom panels were visible (5 panels !) while they are all hidden now.