If you select several layers and move them above or beneath other layers, your layers are automatically deselected. It is really hard to find your selected layers back (especially when the layers have the same layer color). So my request is: keep the layers selected until you deselect them yourself.
-With the transform tool you can only scale both axes at the same time. It is called the transform tool, so why not scale the x axe separate from the y axe?
-It would also be nice to move the anchor point of an object so you won't have to rotate your object from the center
-Layer groups in folders, not the color method tvpaint is using now. I won't make use of groups in tvpaint how it is organized now. And the use of groups was one of the reasons for my tvpaint 10 purchase...
Agreed,especially the last 2.
-If you reset the transform tool, it automatically switches the AAliasing to medium. I can't imagine that this is useful for anybody. So when you reset your transform tool, the AAliasing should stay the way it was.
also yes. And I would like to add,that you should be able to custom create a default scheme and/or a "last settings to any tool. These tools could be custom brushes,pens,airbrushes, pan tool,transform tool and more! Anything that has a dialog where you need to change settings,really.
If you make a custom brush->let it remember the last settings or apply a default setting you choose. Mostly I always make the same changes OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I'm tired of always changing the rotation to azimuth,and changing the AAliasing to best.
-If you merge layers, it would be handy if you keep the color and name of the layer on top (like photoshop)
Somewhat agreed,but can it not be rather that it takes the color and title from the last selected? You might not always want the behaviour in the same way.
-It would be nice to have the opportunity to select frames from different layers. Maybe select multiple frames the way you can select multiple folders on the desktop of your computer.
Yes! rasterbased timeline! shift select whole ranges, or ctrl select several nonconsectutive ones all over the place. (but that is my wish,however tvpaint team does it,is up to them)
-If possible categorize tools, so P for pen activates the last pen you used with all it's settings instead of the only pen tool you can assign to the shortcut. (also like Photoshop, when you press B in photoshop, it remembered the last settings of the brush you used)
I would also rather go with what slowtiger said:
But maybe I'd prefer to have a small bar with about 10 icons for my custom tools, each rememberng its last colour and paper setting.
=>I think every tool needs to remember last settings (sketch tools,custom tools and more,as said a few lines back). And a default state. And perhaps even more?
Wouldn't it be great to be able to save several versions of the same tool with a quick naming to differentiate between them (and Icon). Say you choose the pen tool,change settings and save this new state. This would create a dropdown button of the pen tool button. Click and hold to make the other options of the same tool show up. Sort of like HIDING the custom panels INSIDE of the tool panel. But they will still be organized because they are in their own groeup (pen,airbrush and more).
I know the Bin does this in a way but it's a bit clunky. I cannot see the settings of the tool I am choosing ,and updating them is a drag. And reverting to default removes all brushes saved. So a custom brush panel tool bin hybrid might be a good Idea.
-Freehand custom brush: When you copy or cut an image and you want to stamp it somewhere else, and then want to rotate or scale it, the brush immediately moves to another place, so you lost the place where you wanted to stamp it. It would be nice if you could keep the brush on the place you wanted to have it while scaling or rotating your brush.
This was also a major annoyance in my custom brush usage. Elodie said
agree it could be handy, but Custom brush cannot recognize its place, as it depends on your cursor's place !
Does it though? As it flips somewhere else where my cursor isn't,doesn't it then mean that it doesn't keep track of where my cursor is? I am confused.