Yes it doesn't work when the animation is on ones. The problem is that if the script add an empty instance then it alters the timing. And I wanted to avoid that. but I guess it is the only solution. and maybe I was a little lazy to put it in this special situation. I like the idea with not necessarily using 3 bookmarks. and I like it be dependant of the light table mode. maybe if its on lighttable mode the script should clear all bookmarks. put a bookmark on the current the next and previous instance and then go to bookmark mode. just to make it clear for the user that the script has been evoked. hmmm I can see some other problems with that has to be tested in a working enviroment to make sure what feels most naturallyZigOtto wrote:your unpeg tool is pretty cool, indeed, but it doesn't work when the previous
(bookmarked) instance is a single frame instance (no exposures), maybe the script could be tweaked
with "add an empty Instance" instead of a "break and clear" next frame, ...
I still haven't look closely into it, but I guess it could be adapted to work with single frame instances imo.
Also I wonder why not to have the same tool without using bookmarks at all,
by using straight-ahead the neighbouring instances, explanation :
when no bookmarks set, it would means you are already positioned on the inbetween,
and it would go and pick the previous head as CustomBrush,
add an empty instance between the previous and the current ones,
then let you paste it (or edit and paste it).
just an idea ... or using the light-table's mode :
- Bookmarks (requiring 3 bookmarks, current position on the "inbetween" to draw in),
- Instance ( working with the previous, current and next Instances),
thats a strange off set must be some setting in the text panel that is different between us.Lets find outZigOtto wrote: about your Chart tool, it looks very handy as well, at least when working in a team,
with assistants and inbetweeners, the only thing I can't get rid of, is that the nb
and the circle (or under-bar) are not centered here, I don't know why actually,
maybe something to tweak in the tvpa text tool settings, I've tried with different fonts
at different size, it's always (vertically) offset ...(see pict.)
thank you very much. I think the export layers can be very handy for peple compositing in other softwareZigOtto wrote: I haven't tested yet the export layers and playblast thing, but anyway, it's a really cool
(and rich) custom panel, and thanks for the podcast-demos, well-done Mads !
I bet some of these tools could be part of the standard Anim Panel in a next future !
[/quote]ZigOtto wrote: ps:
what's the difference between your "Stamp in Place" embedded script,
and the Tools: Re-Apply CustomBrush command ?
I wanted to demonstrate that in a podcast. But I have my cut brush on "Brush Smooth" so my Custom brush smooth always in on medium. But when you stamp in place and you havn't scale or rotated your cutbrush it still blurs the line a little. And i'm using it to copy drawing from one instance to another. so what the script does is if the custom brush is not scaled or rotated it stamp in place with smooth set to none.
thnaks for the feedback