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Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 13:19
by Elodie
ZigOtto wrote:Elodie wrote: *The project tab becomes a storyboard tool : Now with TVP Animation 9.5, you can easily create a storyboard. This storyboard may be animated, printed, exported... A great new feature to make easier the animation workflow.
*And much more ! To see the complete list, please have a peek on our website to see
What's new on TVP Animation 9.5 ! You can also
see all the differences with our previous softwares on this page.
@Elodie :
a) the link "What's new on TVP Animation 9.5" should bring the english version of the page, not the french one,
b) in the french version ... atsnew.php, dans Outil de Story-board, il y a un doublon :
Comme les projets sont maintenant hierarchisés, le mode export se voit lui-même modifié : vous avez le choix entre exporter une animation (un clip) ou le projet en entier (ainsi que les brosses personnalisées, comme c'était déjà le cas avant).
ceci est écrit 2 fois, avant et aprés l'image d'illustration. une fois devrait suffire.
Ca s'affiche en français car ton ordi est en français (le site prend d'office la langue de ton OS, comme TVP).
Pour le doublon, c'est bon, j'y ai remédié =)
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 13:26
by Klaus Hoefs
Hm. The old 9.05-version works with the newest Sentinel Driver - so it must be the 9.51mir (Mirage)- version who has a bug (I am guessing).
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 13:57
by Svengali
Does TVP Pro 9.5 (Windows) install in a separate sub-directory?
How will the upgrade affect my existing 9.0.5 configurations and templates? Just asking before leaping.
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:01
by Hervé
Svengali wrote:Does TVP Pro 9.5 (Windows) install in a separate sub-directory?
How will the upgrade affect my existing 9.0.5 configurations and templates? Just asking before leaping.
In the same folder than the 9.0, you keep the same config
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:55
by Svengali
downloaded and ran TVP_Animation_951_Pro_MIR.exe which installed TVP Animation 9 Pro.exe file - size 7,616kb - dated 9/7/2009 8:26 AM. Also installed Sentinel driver 7.5.0.
Clicked icon to run and got this error message. Rebooted. Same message. Removed and reinserted Dongle. Same message.
- Sep. 08 tvp error message.jpg (14.31 KiB) Viewed 29983 times
what next?
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:57
by Klaus Hoefs
It seems to be a bug.
I reported it already.
You can reinstall the 9.05 without problems until this may be fixed.
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:57
by Hervé
Svengali wrote:downloaded and ran TVP_Animation_951_Pro_MIR.exe which installed TVP Animation 9 Pro.exe file - size 7,616kb - dated 9/7/2009 8:26 AM. Also installed Sentinel driver 7.5.0.
Clicked icon to run and got this error message. Rebooted. Same message. Removed and reinserted Dongle. Same message.
what next?
Install the last service pack and xp update
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 15:13
by Svengali
Thanks Hervé, I'll try that...
Service Pack 3 is already installed... is there more I need to download from Microsoft?
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:00
by Klaus Hoefs
You can go to ... aspx?h=eng
Press Express to check your PC
After installing everything available it didn't help for me. So let's see.
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:12
by Hervé
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:17
by Klaus Hoefs
Thanks Herve.
I've everything updated from the Microsoft-site and checked my system after restarting with their check-for-updates tool.
But I'll try also your links.
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:42
by Klaus Hoefs
So after executing the files and restarting the problem still exists.
(I had already SP3 and three of your links were SP1 )
Sven, did you have more luck ?
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:52
by ZigOtto
Elodie wrote:Ca s'affiche en français car ton ordi est en français (le site prend d'office la langue de ton OS, comme TVP).
ha... c'est pour ça que chaque fois que j'installe une nouvelle version de tvpa, je choisis dans l'installateur
language = english, et quand j'ouvre le nouveau tvpa, bingo : en français ! arghhh...
je hais l'interface en français, (et bientôt les Français avec) !
il n'y aurait pas moyen que la langue (par défaut au 1er démarrage) de tvpa soit synchro (quand localisation dispo) avec
la langue choisie dans l'installateur ?
en même temps c'est relou, mais c'est pas bien grave, juste exaspérant, ... aprés la 389eme fois que je re-installe le soft.
sinon, depuis la page en anglais (le texte du lien est rédigé en anglais), je devrais rester en toute logique en Anglais,
quelque soit la langue de l'OS, un peu pénible ces sites qui ne tiennent pas compte des (derniers) choix du surfeur ...
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 17:08
by Hervé
Klaus Hoefs wrote:
(...and three of your links were SP1 )
It's not XP SP1 but VisualStudio ( 95 and 98 ) SP1 redistributable files
Re: TVP Animation 9.5 is now available !
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 17:27
by Svengali
Hervé (and Klaus),
I installed all the updates for C and the update for .NET 3.5 and I'm still getting the same error message. I'm totally down and can't get back to 9.0.5 either. Must I do an uninstall before trying to reinstall 9.0.5?
I also created a restore point about four days ago, and a registry. Should I revert?