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Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 14:50
by Elodie
With two dvd and some cables, you can have an original bra :mrgreen:

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 15:41
by Paul Fierlinger
Elodie wrote:With two dvd and some cables, you can have an original bra :mrgreen:
..known as the Cable Car Bra... :)

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 15:42
by Sierra Rose
Now it's becoming retro Madonna.

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 18:09
by slowtiger
A bra car da bra?

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 18:30
by Sierra Rose
slowtiger wrote:A bra car da bra?
Heh heh. :P

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 17:53
by Niwi
Well, I ended up buying TVPaint 9. And I'm pretty happy being up to date. :)
I'll try to be more carefull with the dongle this time. Wich isn't easy since I have a bad case of ADHD. XD

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 11:02
by justintonation
Well I lost my dongle (stolen in reality) as well.
I was not warned ahead of time that Dongles are not replaceable.
Kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I really do like the TVPAINT software but to treat customers like this is appalling. I see that Plastic animation paper is now free, I'll probably end up using this and photoshop, because I cannot support a company that has a policy such as this.


Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 11:23
by Elodie

I understand you find the situation really unfair. But please understand we cannot do an exception for you.
The dongle is the only way to activate your software, this is the much important thing : you lose your cd ? Not important, you can download the software. You lose your codes ? not a problem, we will give them you again. But we cannot do anything for a lost dongle, because who knows ? You can be honest, but you can also be a dishonest person who simply want to have a second license freely. Once again, the dongle IS your license.

In a sense, imagine you buy something like a jewel and then, loose it : you cannot go to the jewelry and ask for another one, even if your story is true. =/
I understand you find us unfair, because a dongle is like a simple USB key, a piece of plastic. But it's not the case, the dongle is your license, and this license has a price.

See with your assurance and look everywhere to be sure it is not hidden somewhere... I'm sincerely sorry for you and I hope you will find the person who stole your dongle.

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 13:11
by justintonation
I cannot understand why you cannot cancel the old license and issue a new one. This way the thief has a useless dongle and I can continue to use the software I payed for.


Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 13:18
by Elodie
Because we cannot activate or deactivate dongles by magic. Dongles are activated on our machines and cannot be deactivated by distance.
In fact, it's a little like you were asking us to delete a file on an USB key without having it in our hands. I am sincerely sorry, but we cannot do anything.

Are you sure you cannot have a solution with your assurance ?

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 20:08
by Sewie
Do they do that ? Can dongles be insured for the price of the software application?
It would be worth looking into...

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 07:32
by slowtiger
Software insurance. This covers the price of buying it new in case of theft or fire or whatever. My girlfriend has it, and for several thousands of € it makes sense, especially if its installed on a laptop.

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 13:52
by idragosani
Thats a good idea... have too much money tied up in software and despite having backups that I keep on a drive in a fireproof safe, you never know what will happen!

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 14:03
by Paul Fierlinger
Sony Vegas doesn't use dongles and stores all your codes in your account. The codes are configured just to one computer but Sony will allow you to switch computers if you get a new one and will even allow you to use your Vegas on two computers; say a laptop or home & office. This way you can never loose your software because it is alway replaceable and when there ids an update and you don't have your codes handy, all that you need is to go into your account and copy the codes from there. Why can't TVP have a similar arrangement? The cost of Vegas Pro is the same as TVP Pro. I have never heard anyone complain about this system; everyone is happy.

Re: Lost my dongle. Can I buy a new one?

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 15:31
by slowtiger
I'm not a friend of this hardware-tied registration process. It is cumbersome, and it will certainly bite you in the a... when your machine dies a bit faster than mine did. I was just able to de-activate several softwares on that machine before it finally wouldn't even start any more. How do I de-activate a machine which doesn't work? Putting the hard drive into another computer won't help since those registration codes usually include the machine's serial number into their calculation.