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Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 15:21
by ZigOtto
and few more :

a new AA "Best" mode (in the KeyFramer, as with using custumBrushes)
in v8.x we had ON/OFF option, now we will have None/Medium/Best.
(Medium quality being the previous "ON", "Best" giving more accurate, sharp rendering,
but costing more computer ressource (= slower).
the difference is very sensible f.i. when you scale+rotate a thin lines scanned drawing.

Undo/Redo in the FX stack, (or was it already in 8.5 ?) as Peter, I can't remember exactly
what's in 8.x and what's new since 9.0 ... :?

also some cool minor improvements here and there,
such as :
a "Wet" profile in the CustomBrush Tool panel,
a Bin to store custom Profils,
a Bin to store custom Opacity Mapping,
Custom Panels collapsables, (hiden, except the title-bar),
you can save your historic (last used) colors in a new custom Palette (Bin),
new Source options for the Panto tool (previous, next image, ...),
Crop from the current Selection,

as for the timeline note feature, the cool thing is that we can set it to be displayed
in the preview window realtime, a sort of dubbing scrolling strip !
(in french "bande Rythmo") :D

oh, I forgot, a new splashscreen as well !
(here's a tweaked version, not necessary the official one) :wink:

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 16:03
by masterchief
I am ready to upgrade!!!


Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 17:41
by oliveuk
this thing is now possible, that's all I needed for now. you just need to press CTRL while dragging the tail ahhhhhh

TV paint is now on par with Flash and obviously much better since we are not stuck with vector animation

I look forward to testing in on my old TabletPC. I hope the new interface doesn't require too much ressources.


Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 00:15
by JohnArtbox
Anybody got a complete listing of blend modes?
It sounds like a must have upgrade. I got excited when I saw the original post but I must be getting old and patient, I figured the announcement will come when it comes. Are there any additions to the multiplane fx?

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 03:15
by D.T. Nethery
Keep Shooting wrote: But what is of even more interest for me: is anyone of you ß-testers using TVP 9 on IntelMac OSX 10.5 or 10.4?
How is performance on that?
I have run TVP 9 beta on Intel Mac in both OS 10.4 and OS 10.5. I'm very happy with it. Stable , snappy performance . I'm running a Cintiq plugged in to the Macbook Pro , so I have a dual monitor set up .
(with Cintiq being the main monitor , and tool bars , etc. on the Macbook monitor.)

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 06:31
by Peter Wassink
oliveuk wrote:this thing is now possible, that's all I needed for now. you just need to press CTRL while dragging the tail ahhhhhh
how could i forget!
this might probably be the improvement i use most ! :D
also the Undo in the stack is indeed new and very very good to finally have !

i think i forgot to mention them because they feel like they should always have been there.
Anybody got a complete listing of blend modes?
the blend mode list is complete :wink:
no kidding though, there are at least more then 10.... more then i would know a direct use for.

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 08:07
by lemec
JohnArtbox wrote:Anybody got a complete listing of blend modes?

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 23:30
by Mads Juul
Isnt the preview playback been improved? I think so
I will also mention the lighttable possibility to only see the boomarks. and you can flip between bookmarks
so you cab ruff out your animation and then bookmark your keys to flip between and se in the light table

I think that an great improvement


Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 00:17
by Paul Fierlinger
How will the workings of these innovations be explained once TVP 9 is released? I doubt that a manual has been written at this time (please correct me if I am wrong) and there is no resource of past threads on the subject to search through, so how does one go about discovering all these hidden treasures and learn how to use them?

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 08:59
by Patrice
Don't worry a complete and correct annoucement will be done. Stay tuned.

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 23:51
by oliveuk
oh..... I just tried the demo version ;-) I can't believe you guys even implemented this thing I was telling you about at Annecy!


we can now check very quickly how long a drawing is held for! ahhhhh really nice ;-)

I posted a quick demo on my school forum. You should get few hits once the people are back from the holiday break.


Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 09:30
by slowtiger
I got the email newsletter today, with all the prices. Now there's a funny twist: people who bought TVP after June 1st get the upgrade for free. Well, the offer for us Mirage orphans ended on May 31rd ... so I paid 454 € already, only to pay another 325 € three weeks later for the upgrade. (No, the 20% discount does nothing for me because of 19% german taxes.)

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 09:36
by Klaus Hoefs
Did you buy a new TVP product or an update from Mirage to TVP 8x ?

It says:
Great news for new customers!
Everyone who have bought a full version of TVP Animation 8 between June 1st 2008 and June 23rd 2008 can upgrade to TVP Animation 9 for free. Please contact us for more informations at store[at]tvpaint[dot]fr.

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 09:39
by Paul Fierlinger
Markus, I was initially confused as well and had to have this explained to me. The free upgrade is only for those who bought the package from scratch, paying full price. This doesn't apply to any of us who upgraded from Mirage to TVP at a special discount price.

Re: TVP 9.0 -- a curious non-sighting

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 09:56
by Klaus Hoefs
slowtiger wrote:I got the email newsletter today, with all the prices. Now there's a funny twist: people who bought TVP after June 1st get the upgrade for free. Well, the offer for us Mirage orphans ended on May 31rd ... so I paid 454 € already, only to pay another 325 € three weeks later for the upgrade. (No, the 20% discount does nothing for me because of 19% german taxes.)
So this are 779 € in the time interval of two months. On the other hand the feature list looks really promising - makes me curious about who will update immediately.