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Re: Suggestion for a Learning Forum

Posted: 28 May 2008, 12:49
by Paul Fierlinger
So in terms of easy access, I think a learning forum is a good idea.
But isn't that what all these forums have, easy access? It's not as if there were 100 posts every day. But I'm always willing to go with the flow and will be happy to answer those questions I feel within myself enough competence and experience to offer, no matter which forum they may land in -- new or old.

Re: Suggestion for a Learning Forum

Posted: 28 May 2008, 14:23
by Sierra Rose
I learned the Aura, then Mirage software just by asking questions on the forum. I learned what I know of animation by asking questions and putting up examples for feedback. And a few times a day I look at "new posts" and learn something every time. This TVPaint community seems to offer the exact same assistance.

I have always said that forum learning beats any other kind I've ever known because you never have to feel stupid asking questions that are right on your learning edge. You can go at your own pace and get feedback tailored precisely for your own questions.

This is because the people who regularly attend these forums are knowledgeable and extremely generous.

Re: Suggestion for a Learning Forum

Posted: 28 May 2008, 14:59
by Keep Shooting
Looking for something specific like "the type of layer-masking I use in Photoshop": I would first look for everything on masking through the manual, the learning part of a forum and then pose a question.
Reading Sierra's post: I am not used to posing questions I guess - I am more the "manual-reading-type".
And searching: in which part of the forum do I look for what and which term do I use in the search if I don't want to end up with too many hits? (for you can probably tell: english is not my native language)

But maybe you are right is this forum already working as a learning forum in this form: I didn't monitor the amount of posts on this issue per day, so I don't know what would be better.
Great that you all don't mind aswering all the time.

Re: Suggestion for a Learning Forum

Posted: 28 May 2008, 15:24
by Sierra Rose
Well I think your English is great! Yes, that is the key: that people don't at all mind helping. Even in those times I realized my question was dumb, I was graciously helped. I'm not crazy about manual reading, but I do start there and then run a search to see if my question has already been addressed and a lot of the time I find the answer quite easily that way. But then there are the other times..... :?