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Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:47
by Hervé
Prekk wrote:Mmh...Could this thread be sticky for a while ?
We could find another guy more easily since threads can go down quickly...
OK, Done.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 21:56
by stiletto
Thanks, though I'm not sure how needed that was. There's not a whole lot of posting happening around here, and in theory we only need one more student.

Of course, it could be a place for future groups of five to collaborate.

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 12:21
by oliveuk
only one left? I am gonna do a demo of TV Paint on Monday to some of my classmates I am sure Iwill find one more

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 16:08
by oliveuk
i just realised I was looking at the wrong price?!

at the bottom of this page ... &Itemid=77

the 2 pdfs are the same for the normal and pro version!!

how much difference is there between the pro and regular? what is this wave form thing? sounds pretty usefull to me.


Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 16:46
by stiletto
Yea, I'd noticed that sometime ago, it's a linking error. It's pretty easy to fix though if you look at the file name. They both link to the order form for the standard edition OrderFormTVPA.pdf. Just open that and change it to OrderFormTVPAP.pdf (add a 'P' at the end).

I find it easier to just look at this one though: ... &Itemid=77

Though it seems to be a little difficult to come across just going through the site. So many different currencies in use here, estimate the cost at about 200 Euros per person.

Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 10:56
by Patrice
I have fixed the link error.
Thank you :wink:

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 19:23
by Prekk
oliveuk wrote:only one left? I am gonna do a demo of TV Paint on Monday to some of my classmates I am sure Iwill find one more
So ? Someone was interested ?

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 21:01
by oliveuk
my demo was really bad :-| I need to plan it more carefully and record it next time. Probably next week since it is the end of the term at school.

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 21:07
by stiletto
Nice that you made an effort though, good luck with the next demo.

I asked around my school but it's mostly 3d so I didn't have any luck. I believe one of the Professors talked with TVPaint about possibly getting it for the school at some point, but that doesn't help us out too much right now.

So come on, just one more person...

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 23:41
by Prekk
Meh. I can wait a little longer....I guess :(
Too bad nobody around me is interested in 2D (nor 3D....)

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 23:51
by stiletto
I'd hope that it doesn't take a great deal longer to find a fifth...

Maybe if we can't get one, TVPaint would allow us to buy it in a group of 4?

Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 21:13
by oliveuk
I can only afford the light version though. The Pro is a bit too high for my needs (animatics, storyboard, 3d animation planning)

Posted: 03 Apr 2008, 05:33
by Mishix

Posted: 03 Apr 2008, 08:31
by Peter Wassink

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dibs (also known as bags, bagsy, or bagsie) is a common convention used primarily in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Ireland by friends or siblings to reserve or declare full or partial ownership of a community resource, such as a chair or communal food. Claiming Dibs on the front seat of a car is called "Calling Shotgun."

* 1 Outside of the United States
* 2 Variations
o 2.1 "No dibs", "Dibs not", or "Dibs out"
o 2.2 "Nigs"
o 2.3 "Not it"
* 3 See also
* 4 External links

[edit] Outside of the United States

In the United Kingdom and Ireland "Bagsy" (or "Bagsie" or "Bags" or "Bugsy") is used to the same effect, although "dibs" is also used on occasion. Bagsy or bags started out as "Bags I", according to the Oxford English Dictionary which gives school-related examples from 1866 onward. Similarly, bag or bags can be used informally as a verb meaning claim in a phrase like "I'll bag the best seats". This is related to bag meaning to 'put something in a bag'.

In New Zealand and Australia the word "bags" is used to the same effect. "Bagsy" and "dibs" are used occasionally with the same meaning. When calling bags, one will not usually include the word "on" - "Bags ____ing" is used in the case of verbs, and "Bags the ____" in the case of nouns. Bags is of particular use in opting out of an undesirable task, when saying "Bags not me" before anyone else in the group will exclude one from having to do that task. Young children often use bags in this way in the song "Turn around, touch the ground, bags not me!".

In Canada, rules for "dibsing" in or out of something generally follow the same regulations as in the United States.

In Mexico, the word "pido" (to ask for) is commonly used by children to the same effect. In some parts of Mexico City, the word "changán" (no actual meaning) is used and it can also be used as a verb "changanear".
ah ok... i see 8)

Posted: 03 Apr 2008, 13:26
by stiletto
I got a PM from Mishix there, they've got themselves on the list to. Right now I'm just trying to get the required information from the people on the list so I can send it to Patrice.