Can I import photoshop brushes?

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Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by maryam »

Is it possible to import photoshop brushes and if so, would they behave exactly the same in TVP? the brushes are downloaded off internet and were made for photoshop cs5+ and are .tpl file...

I have tvp10 pro on a Mac yosemite

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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Fabrice »

Sorry, but not at this time.
That said, most of the photoshop brushes can be rebuilt in TVPaint.
Just post an image of the result you want to achieve and we will do our best.
Fabrice Debarge
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Fabrice wrote:Sorry, but not at this time.
That said, most of the photoshop brushes can be rebuilt in TVPaint.
Just post an image of the result you want to achieve and we will do our best.
Could you make a tutorial on how to do this ? (recreate a Photoshop Brush in TVPaint) or is it too complicated for
the average user ?

I am frequently asked by students and fellow professionals -- who have a collection of favorite brushes from Photoshop that they would like
to use in TVPaint -- if it is possible to import Photoshop brushes to TVPaint.

When you say "post an image of the result you want to achieve" do you mean post an image of the Photoshop brush , like this ? --
Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 10.03.34 AM.jpg
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Elodie »

Yes, we should record a tutorial.

Actually, we need 2 things to recreate a Photoshop brush :
- the original stamp / pattern
- an example of how it looks like when you drawn with brush (in order have a good idea of the result expected)

Some brushes are harder to imitate (we tried to convert Aaron Blaise' brushes from Photoshop to TVPaint), but we can try to be as close as possible.
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Sewie »

maryam wrote:Is it possible to import photoshop brushes...
Fabrice wrote:Sorry, but not at this time...
I would be fantastic if you could manage to build that into the next engine as it would expand our artistic possibilities immensely! It would also give us acces to the enormous amount of (great) psd brushes that are being sold and shared all over the web. And it would definitely lower the threshold for other graphic artists to try out and start working with TVP.

Just the idea of this gets me excited.
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Fabrice »

David wrote:Could you make a tutorial on how to do this ? (recreate a Photoshop Brush in TVPaint) or is it too complicated for
the average user ?
it would probably require a different tutorial for each brush you want to reproduce, but as Elodie said above we can do something.
Elodie wrote: Actually, we need 2 things to recreate a Photoshop brush :
- the original stamp / pattern
- an example of how it looks like when you drawn with brush (in order have a good idea of the result expected)
Fabrice Debarge
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by MattVG »

Elodie wrote:Yes, we should record a tutorial.
Some brushes are harder to imitate (we tried to convert Aaron Blaise' brushes from Photoshop to TVPaint), but we can try to be as close as possible.
Where can these brushes be obtained?
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Elodie »

At the moment, they are not available (it was more a test : we just try with a couple of brushes, but didn't convert all Aaron Blaise's brushes )
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Tjeburashka »

I love tv-paint. I am fairly new to it. I do have a collection of favorite photoshop brushes I use daily for my illustrations. Some could be easily translated to TV-paint by using the stamp made in PS. But some of the more advanced ones, like the ones from Tonka House I do not get to work. These brushes are great for textural work but in tv-paint I don't get them to work in the same way.

A tool for converting .abr en .ptl files to tvpaint would be awesome. Even better if we could import them directly with good brush management.But I guess the differences in the paint-engine make this a difficult request but still if anything that one would be on top of my list.

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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Elodie »

Hi, thank you for our kind message !

Sadly, that's not possible to convert Photoshop brushes into TVPaint Brushes simply because the engine behind is totally different : there are things that Photoshop can do and TVPaint cannot, and there are things you can do in TVPAint that are impossible in Photoshop.
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Fabrice »

that said, you can still try to post a picture of what you want.
we will try to reproduce it.
Fabrice Debarge
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by Tjeburashka »

Hi Fabrice, thank you for your answer. I already thought something like that. I will make this weekend some screenshots of the brushes I ment and post them here.

Sincerely, André
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by D.T. Nethery »

UPDATE: because this is such an old topic (from 2016) I have made a new topic in the Feature & Improvement Requests forum.

Elodie wrote: 25 Jul 2016, 04:45 Yes, we should record a tutorial.

Actually, we need 2 things to recreate a Photoshop brush :
- the original stamp / pattern
- an example of how it looks like when you drawn with brush (in order have a good idea of the result expected)

Some brushes are harder to imitate (we tried to convert Aaron Blaise' brushes from Photoshop to TVPaint), but we can try to be as close as possible.
Is there an easy way to get an image of the original stamp/pattern of a Photoshop brush ? When I try to take a screen capture , the brush pattern disappears and is replaced by
the mouse cursor to draw the boundaries for the screen capture. The only way I could do it was to make a screen capture movie using Quicktime , then grab a frame from the screen
capture movie which shows the original stamp/pattern of the brush. (see below)

If anyone would make a tutorial on how to convert Photoshop brushes to TVPaint , that would still be useful, thanks.


I have not tried this, but maybe this works ? -- How to Use Photoshop Brushes in Other Programs;Open ABR files in GIMP and other graphics software.
Adobe Photoshop custom brushes are distributed as ABR files, which cannot be used with most other graphics programs. However, if you convert the brushes to a PNG file, you can import them into your software of choice. Instructions in this article apply to all Photoshop brush sets with the .ABR file extension.

ABRviewer is an open source program that converts ABR files to the PNG format. To convert Photoshop brush sets to PNG so that they can be used in other programs.
Sadly, this ABRviewer program is Windows-only, so Mac users like me are out of luck. But has anyone who uses Windows tried this method to convert Photoshop brushes to TVPaint or other drawing programs ?

I noticed that if I do a search for "Convert Photoshop Brushes to" I get results for Convert Photoshop Brushes to Sketchbook , Clip Studio, ProCreate, SAI , Krita, GIMP, etc. , so it seems that people are doing this for other apps.
Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 12.29.02 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 12.29.02 PM.jpg (60.67 KiB) Viewed 20254 times

Searching some of these links I find that Clip Studio Paint by CELSYS has added support for importing Photoshop brushes natively to Clip Studio Paint. No manual converting of the Photoshop .ABR brush files is required. -

ProCreate can also import Photoshop .ABR brushes. - ... hes-share/

GIMP can use Photoshop brushes - ... mp-1701706

Krita offers importing .ABR files to get brush texture from the .ABR file, but you have to recreate the brushes by adding appropriate values in size, spacing ,etc.

So this would indicate it is not impossible. The last time the idea of importing/adapting Photoshop brushes to TVPaint was addressed in this thread from 2016 it was said:
"Sadly, it's not possible to convert Photoshop brushes into TVPaint Brushes simply because the engine is totally different : there are things that Photoshop can do and TVPaint cannot, and there are things you can do in TVPaint that are impossible in Photoshop."
While this is true, it is also true that the engine behind Clip Studio Paint, ProCreate, GIMP , and Krita are different engines from Photoshop, and yet somehow those other softwares have found ways to import and use Photoshop .ABR brush files.

Any chance this could be moved to the "To-Do" list ? (see new topic in the Feature & Improvement Requests forum)
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Re: Can I import photoshop brushes?

Post by TheQuestionMark »

How many brushes? Just open photoshop set the actual size of the brush, try to match the canvas size. Click once inside the canvas. Select all Ctrl+C to copy. Open TVPaint and Edit - > ClipBoard -> "Paste Brush"
Windows 10 64-Bit TvPaint Professional 11.5.3 (64-Bit)
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