Check if a variable is set Topic is solved

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Check if a variable is set

Post by schwarzgrau »

I'm working on my second script, so I'm pretty new to GEORGE. I know some things about simple coding from php, javascript and python, but I still don't understand a lot of the basics in GEORGE, like how you check if a variable is set.

Code: Select all

TestArray[1] = 12
TestArray[2] = 24
TestArray[3] = 156

IF (TestArray[6] == TRUE)
	PRINT "TestArray is set"
	PRINT "TestArray isnt set"
Obviously I didn't set TestArray[6], but how do I determine if it's set? I tried == TRUE, != ISSET, != NONE, != "", != EMPTY etc.
The weird thing is I can PRINT the variable, even if I never set it

Code: Select all

PRINT TestArray[6]
produces a window with testarray.6
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Re: Check if a variable is set

Post by NathanOtano »

Just replace your " == TRUE" by the default variable value you get (here TestArray.6), then when it"s set, unless your value name and your value could be are exactly the same, the condition will be automaticlly false. Does it suits your needs? :)
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Re: Check if a variable is set

Post by schwarzgrau »

Unfortunately not. This was just an example. I'm writing a script which should merge two layers, but keep the image marks (something like your suggestion here). And it would work without checking if a variable is set, but it would be a bit more scripting, but a lot more to do for the script.

Code: Select all

//======= TOP LAYER GET INFOS =======//

PARSE result layerDisplay layerPosition layerOpacity layerName layerType layerStart layerEnd layerPrelighttable layerPostlighttable layerSelection

TLnum = layerPosition		
TLfirst = layerStart		
TLlast = layerEnd 			

tv_LayerGetID TLnum
TLid = Result 				

//======= TOP LAYER SAVE MARKS TO ARRAY =======//

Cpos = TLfirst

	tv_LayerMarkGet 0 CPos
	CColor = Result

	TLarray[Cpos] = CColor			//------ Save marks to array TLarray

	Cpos = CPos +1
UNTIL (Cpos == TLlast)

//======= BOTTOM LAYER GET ID AND SELECT =======//

BLnum = TLnum + 1
tv_LayerGetID BLnum
BLid = result
tv_LayerSet BLid

//======= BOTTOM LAYER GET INFOS =======//

PARSE result layerDisplay layerPosition layerOpacity layerName layerType layerStart layerEnd layerPrelighttable layerPostlighttable layerSelection

BLfirst = layerStart
BLlast = layerEnd


Cpos = BLfirst

	tv_LayerMarkGet 0 CPos
	CColor = Result

	BLarray[Cpos] = CColor			//------ Save marks to array BLarray

	Cpos = CPos +1
UNTIL (Cpos == BLlast)

//======= MERGE LAYERS ======

tv_LayerMerge TLid STAMP
tv_LayerKill TLid

//======= MERGE LAYER GET INFOS =======//

PARSE result layerDisplay layerPosition layerOpacity layerName layerType layerStart layerEnd layerPrelighttable layerPostlighttable layerSelection

MLfirst = layerStart
MLlast = layerEnd

//======= MERGE LAYER SET COLORS =======//

Cpos = MLfirst

	IF (TLarray[CPos] != 0)				//------ if Top Layer mark isn't 0 choose Top Layer mark
		ColorSet = TLarray[CPos]
	ELSE								//------ else choose Bottom Layer mark
		ColorSet = BLarray[CPos]
	tv_LayerMarkSet 0 Cpos ColorSet		//------ set Color
	Cpos = Cpos+1

UNTIL (Cpos == MLlast)
This works if both layers share the same length, BUT if one of them is longer or shorter it fails, cause then I'm asking here for something in the array I never defined.

Code: Select all

IF (TLarray[CPos] != 0)
I could fill both arrays with empty numbers, but seems ridiculous to me.
Windows 11 22H2 / TVP 11.7.0 PRO WIBU / Cintiq 22HD
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