- http://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20160311122/ (written in Japanese)
Thanks for reading.
OpenToonz as same as Toonz Harlequin 7.1.schwarzgrau wrote:Do you or anybody else know some basic tutorial in english?
hehe sounds promising. And thank you for the tutorials.ten_zero wrote: One of the ex-Ghibli composit operator said ; I guess there are under 30 people around the World who is able to opelate Toonz perfectly for commercial film.
Yeah, I'm not sure what the initial interface is all about, but those default rooms are stripped down versions of the default Harlequin room, probably to lessen exposure to unnecessary menus and buttons for people who live and work in a single room, much like Retas, seems to be throwing a lot of people off.schwarzgrau wrote:Thank you a lot Ten_zero.
By the way I downloaded Toonz, but I don't understand its interface. Unfortunately all the manuals are only available in japanese and my japanese is limited to dog, cat, hello, sorry and thank you.
Do you or anybody else know some basic tutorial in english?
Code: Select all
room1.ini room2.ini room3.ini room4.ini room5.ini room6.ini
Code: Select all
pane_0\geometry=@Rect(1610 0 310 1126)
pane_1\geometry=@Rect(0 0 1133 1126)
pane_2\geometry=@Rect(1141 0 461 1126)
hierarchy="-1 0 [ 1 2 0 ] "
no harm done.Excuse me for misreaded "Reality..." as "Really...", means of "seriously".
only ?I guess there are under 30 people around the World who is able to opelate Toonz perfectly for commercial film.
It's an Intralingual interference.Fabrice wrote: only ?
One more thing,Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIicGz ... yKGxiXngJw
Web Anime Style 『もっとアニメを知るための撮影講座』/ How to study about knowlidge of Japanim basical composit
- The article and Youtube channel is a kindness offer.
Please do not ask him directly "Translate English" or "Attach English subtitles".![]()
Spoiler : :
OpenToonz Plugin Utility - OpenCV baced utilities for Unity3D
Awesome post! Thanks!ten_zero wrote:Back to the Past in 1993 - starting Princess Mononoke.And most important thing : MIYAZAKI loves "Italy" and Toonz is "made in Italy".
- That was Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Apple System 7 era, "the Ages of TVPaint 2.0 for Amiga".
- Toonz was the only software that means a perfect match for Japanim Timesheet (X-sheet).
- Toonz was the only software that use virtual Multiplane camera scale in mm : as same as real camera lens scale.
- Toonz was the only software that enable to "keep warming pencil line" bitmap scanning with colored shade line.
- Toonz was the only software that non limited multi plane camera system
Remember, it was the ages of Adobe Photoshop 2. There were not implementation multi layer system yet.
FractalDesign Painter 2 + multi floater system add-on set was sale FRF 1500.- Toonz was the only sofware that enable full UI custamized and add-on programming by JavaScript.
- Toonz was the only sofware that enable convert from Japanim anime color chart to full color digital color code percectly.
- Ghibli was a Anime Studio for MIYAZAKI and TAKAHATA :
A lot of sponsor paid to invest digital Anime workflow and employ many excellent server engineer and programmer section for Toonz.- Ghibli was not required digital outline drawing.
I am not joking.As you understand, studio "Ghibli (in Japanese ジブリ/ZIBULI)" named from Caproni Ca.309 "Ghibli" and AMX "Ghibli" Italy .引退会見で伊と仏メディアが火花? 宮崎 駿、自らの原点も明かす
France vs Italia at MIYAZAKI retirement media conference (written in Japanese) The reality :
- Celsys RETAS! (from 1991) and Cambridge Animation Systems Animo (from 1990) did not meet Ghibli requirements.
- FutureWave Software FutureSplash Animator (now Adobe Animate, from 1996) and Toon Boom (from 1994) was not born.
- Perhaps TVPaint developerment might not employ of an international sales manager in 1993.
- 2016 "Don't ye know 'bout N**e, Fusion, Nadron and ..." - 1993 "Sir, WHAT is THAT ?"
lol, indeedPerhaps TVPaint developerment might not employ of an international sales manager in 1993.