Well, i do work with TVP 10 on a Yiynova MSP 19U, and I am very happy with it- very responsive, no lag and nice colors, on the other hand visibly low resolution and perhaps it doesn't respond to the stylus' azimuth, not sure about that.
But unfortunately I lack the experience with other tablet monitors, and cannot offer any reliable information about what to think of the Yiynova in comparison to what else is currently around: it's about a decade ago that I last worked on a cintiq (what model ever that may have been) and with a rather weak PC, and all I know is that I hated the surface, the colors and the lag. But that was back then, so who knows.
Maybe some day I'll find a fellow TVP animator with vaster tablet monitor experience to give it a try and some better feedback.
Mac OSX Version 10.9 - 2GHz Intel Core 64(? I think so at least)bit - 4GB 1600 MHz DDR3 - Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB
Yiynova MSP19U
TvPaint Animation 11.0.6 Pro