FX: "Warping Grid" That's Smart Bound by Selection Area?

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FX: "Warping Grid" That's Smart Bound by Selection Area?

Post by TheQuestionMark »

Is there a script to make simulate/emulate like Photoshop Warp Tool, but for FX Stack Warping Grid? I'm not computer programmer so I don't how to write scripts. Can there be a way to make Wrapping Grid way to Smart Wrap that is bound by Selection Area of the Selection Tool and Not the Whole Image. Or can/should there be an Option in the Wrapping Grid to be smart bound to Selection Area like How the Warp Tool is in Photoshop? Doing it manually clicking on FX->Warping Grid and Calibrate it to the fit in the Selection Area is pretty time consuming. I just feel like if the Warping Grid can be tweak a little bit then I can paint like Kekai Kotaki!
Last edited by TheQuestionMark on 05 Dec 2014, 23:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FX: "Warping Grid" That's Smart Bound by Selection Area?

Post by ZigOtto »

this is one (2011) among a bunch of my old requests which is still valid,
ZigOtto wrote:... auto-detect the source, and use the souce's bounding box as default grid size (source and dest.)
it would be welcome for Warping Grid fx, but also for the Perspective 4 points fx as well.

as we are on it, and in addition, I would like to re-activate a couple of other ones
relative to this "auto-detection" request :

- a Render tab to the Warping Grid fx (to allow the user to set a CustomBrush as Source f.i.),

- an option for the KeyFramer fx to "auto-detect" the content (pixels with Alpha = 0 ignored),
ZigOtto wrote: auto-detection of the layer's content + framing it, so when you have f.i. only few pixels in the up-left corner, the keyframer will center a bounding box on them, and the pivot point centring the box, not the project area.

ps: a script could probably do this kind of "auto-bounding" job,
but a built-in feature should be more efficient and way more fast at use !
Last edited by ZigOtto on 05 Dec 2014, 17:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FX: "Warping Grid" That's Smart Bound by Selection Area?

Post by Svengali »

TheQuestionMark wrote:Or can/should there be an Option in the Wrapping Grid to be smart bound to Selection Area like How the Warp Tool is in Photoshop?
Big +1

Perhaps would also be useful if the 4x4 SMOOTH warping tool could be applied to the current CutBrush before stamping!!? 8)

Matt Kohr of Ctrl+Paint website, demonstrates something similar in two informative Photoshop Warp Tool Texturing tutorials, HERE...

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Re: FX: "Warping Grid" That's Smart Bound by Selection Area?

Post by Svengali »

Click the GIF to see a kind of mock-up that combines what you see in the FX warpgrid interface with the table you get from clicking the image-bound button.

Below is the tvpx with a button/script that measures, then displays a bounding box around the image plus gives the x1,y1,x2,y2,xmid and ymid values for the bounding box. Plug those into the destination x,y points using the 3x3, FX warping grid.

Once you've plugged in the nine FX-WarpGrid Destination coordinates, be sure to press D->S (destination to source) FX button to copy those coordinates to FX-WarpGrid Source...

Now you'll be able to interactively deform the image using nine, close-cropped points.

Having to plug-in nine-pairs of x,y numbers is a little tedious but I couldn't figure out how to directly insert them into the FX. There might be a way.

Anyway it's meant to be a proof-of-concept that demonstrates how useful having an automatic bounding box option in the WarpGrid and other FX operations might be. :D


Edited: to add additional instructions and correct spelling.
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Last edited by Svengali on 08 Dec 2014, 00:34, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: FX: "Warping Grid" That's Smart Bound by Selection Area?

Post by Sewie »

Very good idea!
Michael Sewnarain - Website
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