crispy black clean up line!??

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crispy black clean up line!??

Post by alfatoons »

Hello all, TvPaint users out there. Are you able and willing to tell me how do I make a brush/pen tool that acts exactly like a crispy black clean up line. Like when you want to clean up ruff animation drawings?? Any advise/Links would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Paul Fierlinger
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Re: crispy black clean up line!??

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

Here's how I create my inking pen:

Wacom tablet
Tip Feel: on the soft side
Mapping: Screen Area: Portion
Tablet Area: Full
Portion of Screen (very important): just slightly larger than Project (drawing) window. To reach panels outside this area I switch from pen to mouse. Test setup by drawing small circles on the tablet, using the PenBrush tool. The size of the circles you draw must come out to be equal to the size of the circles that appear on the screen.

PenBrush tool settings:
First select a solid black RGB; 0:0:0 in your Color Palette panel.

Tool: PenBrush settings:
Size P 2.00 (or between 2 and 4, depending on how thick you like your lines to come out))
Power C 100%
Opacity 100
Drying checked
Gradient not checked
AALiasing checked

Important: RMB on the button that says "P" and select Profile Editor. Select Spline to create a nice curve by clicking into the center of the red line and drag the yellow key frame down, close to the word "Pressure". This will establish the pressure sensitivity of your pen. Test this by drawing a series of short, curvy lines while starting with a light touch and adding more pressure to the pen as you draw. If you feel the nib to be too hard, go back to your curve editor and push your yellow keyframe upward to the left (towards the word Size). This will soften the feel of your pen's nib. Fine tune the feel by tweaking both the Wacom's Tip Feel and TVP's curve editor (and the "Size" setting.

Note: If you don't use a Wacom tablet I wish you had said that when you started this thread, but I took the trouble to give you my best effort because there will be others who will find my post useful. Next time you ask a question tell us your OS and your TVPaint version including all the numbers (TVP xx.x.xx )
Desktop PC Win10-Pro -64 bit OS; 32.0 GB RAM
Processor: i7-2600 CPU@3.40GHz
AMD FirePro V7900; Intuos4 Wacom tablet
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Re: crispy black clean up line!??

Post by slowtiger »

For a clean line like old-fashioned cel animation I use the pen brush tool (2nd from left) with no paper. For a more pencil-like line I use the pencil with a custom setting and paper.
TVP 10.0.18 and 11.0 MacPro Quadcore 3GHz 16GB OS 10.6.8 Quicktime 7.6.6
TVP 11.0 and 11.7 MacPro 12core 3GHz 32GB OS 10.11 Quicktime 10.7.3
TVP 11.7 Mac Mini M2pro 32GB OS 13.5
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Mads Juul
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Re: crispy black clean up line!??

Post by Mads Juul »

I use the "Black Pencil" From the Custom panel Sketch Panel.

If you are working on WIndows. and experience jagged lines. try to check Wintab and Subpixel in Edit>Preferences>General

You cam also Adjust Windows>Setting>ShapeSettings >Activate Line Smoothering

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Re: crispy black clean up line!??

Post by alfatoons »

Perfect thank you � thank you all thank you all:-D
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