Elodie wrote:I haven't any problem with that Svengali. The Stencil options stay the same (I mean, if I have changed them, I always have the same changes, they are not reseted), whatever if I open or create new project
Updating my question from a while back...
Actually I was asking if it might not be possible to have the setting for Stencil opacity be persistent (remain at its previous setting) from SESSION TO SESSION (each time TVPaint is restarted at the same setting as when I last exited)?
IF not, I'd happily include a George command to set the stencil's opacity in any button that manages various stencil operations.
In a similar fashion, I've been trying to use
tv_Display "LayerAttentuation" Toggle 45 to toggle the other layers' attenuation, set to 45% transparency... but I can't get that to work either.
In fact, it might be useful to have an entire set of tv_Display commands that could set up all of the Display Settings options: for Check box, RGB color and transparency as part of any George script.