Name color

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Re: Name color

Post by furushil »

Paul Fierlinger wrote:Picture Palette can turn your entire model sheet into one, extensive color sampler.
I looked it up (and actually found it on the website :) ) But you were right, it works only with Windows (I use OSX).
But that's ok, I will just wait for TVpaint 10.5, it has some good new color palette features.
Last edited by furushil on 22 Aug 2013, 15:18, edited 1 time in total.
MAC OS 12.6.2 - TVpaint 11.7.1 PRO 64bit, Wacom Intuos Pro
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Re: Name color

Post by Svengali »

furushil wrote:This is great for model sheets I will try that out, thank you.
But for color, what if you zoom in and then don't see the palette in the corner anymore. You would have to zoom out again to pick the color.
You're right, depending on how one uses the zoomed window and where you place the swatches.

I always keep the Navigator window open which can be quite useful for adjusting display settings, one of which is a red window box around the current zoomed area - it's easy to slide that red box over to wherever your palette is, select a color, then slide it back.

The new Zoom to Zone feature in 10.5 might make that easier as well.

I think people using the Android version of TVPaint, where screen real estate is premium, might find Palette Layer Zero useful too... especially since picture palette doesn't work on Android for now.

Anyway, it was just an off the top of my head suggestion that I wanted to try out. :D
TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
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