Select multiple layers with Cmd click

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Joined: 28 Dec 2006, 10:08

Re: Select multiple layers with Cmd click

Post by Svengali »

Joost wrote:Take a look at the example of lukas: it's impossible to export the keyboard shortcuts from os x to windows, because the cmd button is not the same as the windows ctrl button.
It could really be helpful in a studio where people working on linux, windows and os x systems to be able to export your keyboard shortcuts and import them on the other systems. But now this is not possible because of the cmd/ctrl problem...

so please change it... I wouldn't mind to make new keyboard shortcuts all over again, if this thing is fixed (like ALL other software I use on my mac)
I use TVP 10 - windows, so I'm not exactly sure what the .cfg file looks like for the Mac or even what the difference is between CMD and CTRL button functionality.

However, it seems like it would be a simple thing to write a utility that would convert a .cfg file back and forth between the two systems so that the same key actions could be adapted to each system's alternative command keys.

Below, for instance, are some lines from a recent .cfg file for my TVPaint Windows, that I grabbed from my TextPad editor.

I wonder if an experiment using a search-and-replace function in an editor could make a Windows .cfg file (into or out of) a Mac .cfg file?

Code: Select all

Shift H=DoubleBrush
Shift I=1faa8909-70ff-5247-b66b-1e7efe8e885f
Shift J=CopyToSpare
Shift K=LayerSelectImageFromKeys
Shift L=LoadProject
Shift M=cd73eb10-4420-df4a-8d46-4c56b76aab05
Shift N=1a9fc382-f414-f742-b7c7-2d10acc1747a
Shift O=e52de574-a8a1-b845-b744-ccfde9746a9d
Shift P=ae6fd6ef-9ff6-3d40-923d-7f3cc6855893
Shift Q=Quit
Shift R=eaf307d9-5482-2142-af53-09bc55f41dea
Shift S=SaveAsProject
Shift T=LayerSelectCurrentFrame
Shift U=none
Shift V=ShowPage
Shift W=none
Shift X=DoubleBrushX
Shift Y=MultiRedo
Shift Z=MultiRedo
Ctrl A=LayerSelectAllImage
Ctrl B=none
Ctrl C=Copy
Ctrl D=MagicNumber
Ctrl E=LayerFitSound
Ctrl F=LayerSlideTo
Ctrl G=ZoomOut
Ctrl J=ToggleCanvasDocking
Ctrl K=ConfigureKeyboard
Ctrl L=LayerMergeVisible
Ctrl N=Clear
Ctrl O=7e52b3aa-2968-4b46-8e0c-a8f6f3071ab3
Ctrl P=none
Ctrl Q=ToggleStencil
Ctrl R=FlipPageX, NextZoomWindows
Ctrl S=LayerSelectImageFromKeys
Ctrl T=Position
Ctrl U=RemoveInstances
Ctrl V=none
Ctrl W=none
Ctrl X=5a9a72d9-767e-f24e-973b-0b4ba7b0659f
Ctrl Y=FlipBrushY
Ctrl Z=Undo
TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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