Thank you Lukas for your list
Lukas wrote:In PS you can easily add to (shift) and subtract from (alt) your selection. The cursor shows what you are doing.
Concerning the ability to "switch" modes (add / subtract), using the right click isn't it easier ? It works great with the freehand selection, rectangle selection, etc.. (only for the Bezier and the B-Spline it can be difficult, I must admit).
About the cursor, I think that could be added, because when you use the zoom tool, if you right click in the drawing space, the cursor change. So, that should be possible with the selection tool.
Lukas wrote:Hold <alt> for colorpicker pick, release <alt> to go back to previous tool
Not possible
Lukas wrote:Colorring with previous color, current color during picking.
What do you mean ? O_o
Lukas wrote:Ability to pick only current layer (ignoring opacity and blending modes, this is possible trough scripting but would be nice to work out of the box)
Ok, it's noted.
People wanting it to be easier: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=6852
Yes, it's noted
Clipping masks:
Unlimited groups (TVP has only 12)
Looks interesting, but I don't know if it's possible to add.
Ability to put groups inside of groups
Not possible in the current architecture of TVPaint
Editing a group to edit all layers (Transform for example)
Already done
Use a clipping mask on a group
Could you explain more ?
You can use color labels seperately from groups
Do you mean the color groups for clips or image marker ?
If so, I agree with you, but I don't know if it's possible.
In TVP you can erase with a regular brush (which is cool!), but if there would ALSO be an eraser it would be able to remember its settings. So if you’ve made your eraser bigger, and go back to a brush, make the brush smaller, and go back to the eraser, the eraser would still be bigger.
Too intrusive. It depends on the way people work. For example, someone who just want to erase a little line in a drawing won't agree with your "bigger eraser"
Brush size:
In Photoshop you can see the size of your brush in the cursor. Even if it’s pressure sentive.
Personally, it makes me nut. You see a big shape and finally, you draw a tiny little dot... That's unsane
And can easily adjust the size with [ and ]. (Adjusting brush size in TVP with shortcuts doesn’t work very well)
Never had any problem by using the mouse scrolling or + and - or the hotkey Z....
Shortcuts are more intuitive, making shortcuts in TVPaint is hard.
Ok, noted.
3D reference:
Ability to import 3D objects as reference
Impossible in the current architecture of TVPaint.
3D reference:
Ability to import 3D objects as reference
In fact, if I'm not totally wrong, Photoshop is not a 100% bitmap software. Its layers are kind of vectorial layers, but inside these layers, you can draw in bitmap.
That's why you can move layers out of the drawing space (contrary to TVPaint). And that's also why you can rotate images without losing quality (contrary to TVPaint).
It's just like when you load a JPG in Flash and then, rotate it in Flash : you won't lose quality neither, just because the image is now considered as a vectorial object.
Layers in TVPaint are 100% bitmap and so, if you modify pixels, you lose quality, especially if you don't use AAliasing modes.