Bug Report tv_ProjectEnumID

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Bug Report tv_ProjectEnumID

Post by Svengali »

I've been getting an unexpected result for the tv_ProjectEnumID which I think is a bug (or maybe it's just on my system).
tv_ProjectEnumID pos (as defined on TVPaintWiki)
Indicates the identifier specific to a project as a function of its position. The position value is the position of the project in the list (0 for the first project in the list, 1 for the next project and so on). This command returns the identifier of the corresponding project or NONE if there is no project at the specified position. Note that each project identifier is unique.
When I use the command with a project position # that is out of range I expect to get "none" but instead I get something like this:
tv_ProjectEnumID Bug.jpg
tv_ProjectEnumID Bug.jpg (6.22 KiB) Viewed 856 times

Code: Select all

tv_ProjectEnumID PJnumber
PJid = result
PJnoID = CUT(PJid, 1, 4)
IF CMP(PJnoID, "none")						
	PJflag = 0

The above work around simply tests the first four characters, which works, but it would be better if tv_ProjectEnumID just returned the word "none" when expected, especially because an improper project ID used when selecting a project crashes TVPaint. :evil:

Thanks, Sven
TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
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Re: Bug Report tv_ProjectEnumID

Post by ematecki »

OK fixed.
Quicktime is DEAD. Get over it and move on !
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Joined: 28 Dec 2006, 10:08

Re: Bug Report tv_ProjectEnumID

Post by Svengali »

Thank you Eric.
TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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