What the use, exactly ??… (75 dpi ??… why not 72 dpi ?)
… you can get all the equivalences you need (pixels, centimeters, etc…) using others "paper orientated" 2D softwares ( by a simple "click")
… plus, what's given here are "paper formats"… TVP is a "paperless animation" software, ai'nt it ?
(and not an accurate painting tool for "paper illustration"… because of the lake of CMJN / CMYB mode… then
… let's forget the paper !)
… nice info, but having it sleeping in a folder will suits me right…
… except if the team want to add a "convert function" that allows to get a pixel map size for a given cm/inch format with a given pixel resolution… like others do…
… might be usefull, because it's now a standard (even if partly "false") way of "seing" a format/size…
… but I doubt they will, remember :"DPI only matters when you're printing things out" (witch is true)
http://www.tvpaint.com/v2/content/artic ... gory_id=20" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;