Difference between merge and merge?

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Difference between merge and merge?

Post by slowtiger »

I've noticed something odd:

Imagine two layers. The bottom layer has some flat colour areas. The top layer has some gray spots on white, it is set to multiply and 30% opacity. Bottom layer's stencil is on.

Now when I merge these two layers, I have to drag the top over the bottom layer (and in the dialogue set it to multiply again) to get the desired effect. Because when I select both layers and use the "merge" button, the result is much brighter than wanted! It looks as if the "multiply" layer setting is completely ignored.

Am I right?
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Re: Difference between merge and merge?

Post by Roselle2 »

Hallo Slowtiger,
Ja, Du hast recht!
2 Layer mit Farben , wie Du beschreibst.
Transparenz bei der Layer-Einsntellung Unterschiedlich.

Layer selektieren und dann " Mit Merge Selekted " diese Farben zusammengerechnen.

perDrag and Drop zusammenführen geht nicht
Es muss auch die höher %tige Timeline auf die niedrigere %tige gerechnet werden.

In der Version 9.5 ist das nicht mehr so! Gruß Roselle2. PS ich weß dass Du deustch kannst :mrgreen:
PC: Intel Core-i5 12600, 32GB RAM, Grafikcard ATI RX6600, Wacom Cintiq 21" Tablett with second Full-HD Monitor.
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