outline color overpaint with A-color

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outline color overpaint with A-color

Post by hilere »

I'm searching for this for a while now and probably the option is living somewhere in TVP, but I can't seem to find it.

I wonder if it is possible to overpaint part of the outlines of a character with a color of my choice. So basically the same as the tint blue, red, green,... that are living in the sketch panels. But then with a color I choose myself.
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Re: outline color overpaint with A-color

Post by hilere »

OKAY, It's always like that. When I post it, I find the solution myself. Just take the airbrush and make sure the transparancy button (next to the proxy) is selected. Piece of cake when you know it. :D
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Re: outline color overpaint with A-color

Post by ZigOtto »

yeap, the "lock Alpha" button is very handy for that kind of job . :wink:
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