I'm looking to make some custom action buttons to toggle to visibility of individial layers. Does anyone know what the specific script commands are for that? I searched the forums but didn't see anything.
Hmmm, That is close but I was really hoping to toggle layers on/off individually. Is there a way to do this scriptwise so I can setup actions/hotkeys for it? The function you mention doesn't really support the way I work with the layers.
Hi Sun,
You can use the following script command : tv_layerdisplay 0 on
-> it enables the display of the current layer
and :
tv_layerdisplay 0 off
-> it disables the display of the current layer.
You can put these commands in buttons in a custom panel.
If you need a toggle with these commands, you'll need a little george program.
We will post one soon.
Hi Sun,
With the 1.1 version, you can now create a custom button to toggle the visibility of each layer.
Create a new action, select the "Type a script command" option and type
tv_layerdisplay 0 TOGGLE
That's it, the new button will allows you to switch the visibility of the current layer.
Hey Sun,
Well in fact we were surprised to figure out that it was not possible to toggle the layer visibility and furthermore that it has more sense if you can assign the function to a keystroke... it is done now and you contributed to it
Thank you Sun