Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
I never Use Pre or Post Behavior for LayerAnd
And Reading this post
maybe a feature to remove?
And Reading this post
maybe a feature to remove?
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
It's to rethink for the future. Personnally, I agree.
Fabrice Debarge
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
I find the pre and post behaviour - particularly the 'Hold' function - extremely useful, especially for backgrounds and guide layers.
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
yes, but "hold" is quite the same as the current instance/exposure system behavior and "loop" is quite redondant with the faux-fixe option.
So it's not to "remove" but to "rethink".
So it's not to "remove" but to "rethink".
Fabrice Debarge
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
Yes, the faux fix is excellent - a typically elegant TVP feature - and I can see how it makes the 'loop' feature redundant. As long as the ability to hold a frame for the duration of an animation (without having to drag out it's instance) remains, I'll be happy.

Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
Maybe a feature for the "Image layer" It always have the length of the Clip?Byron wrote:particularly the 'Hold' function - extremely useful, especially for backgrounds and guide layers.
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
I use Pre and Post Behavior all the time. I was hoping to be able to have a script option that could automatically set or toggle behavior modes, along with other modes, for any layer I was working on - instead of always having to manually set it. (When you copy a layer, the behaviors are also copied, sometimes you want that sometimes not.)
Did you know if you turn on Repeat, for Pre and Post Behavior, the Light Table images wrap around. This can be extremely helpful when constructing viable loops. If you don't use loops, then that probably doesn't matter to you, but if you do, it's handy.
One thing perhaps worth rethinking is PingPong. 1,2,3,4,5/5,4,3,2,1/1,2,3,4,5... etc. The problem I have is the first and last frames repeat causing pauses where I usually don't want them. Maybe a PingPong-Smooth Behavior option that doesn't double the first and last frames might be good.
It seems to me with software as versatile as TVPaint it makes sense to provide MORE alternatives to users, not less. Please don't take Pre and Post Behavior away - there are people who do use it.
edit: Sorry, wrong about the pingpong, just arrived home to test it and it does NOT! repeat first and last - my bad.
Did you know if you turn on Repeat, for Pre and Post Behavior, the Light Table images wrap around. This can be extremely helpful when constructing viable loops. If you don't use loops, then that probably doesn't matter to you, but if you do, it's handy.
One thing perhaps worth rethinking is PingPong. 1,2,3,4,5/5,4,3,2,1/1,2,3,4,5... etc. The problem I have is the first and last frames repeat causing pauses where I usually don't want them. Maybe a PingPong-Smooth Behavior option that doesn't double the first and last frames might be good.
It seems to me with software as versatile as TVPaint it makes sense to provide MORE alternatives to users, not less. Please don't take Pre and Post Behavior away - there are people who do use it.
edit: Sorry, wrong about the pingpong, just arrived home to test it and it does NOT! repeat first and last - my bad.
Last edited by Svengali on 01 Sep 2010, 18:03, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
So it does! That's great - saves me temporarily pasting the first image on the end! Thanks for the tip.Did you know if you turn on Repeat, for Pre and Post Behavior, the Light Table images wrap around.

Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
I would say that wrapping of the lighttable is not a good feature of the Pre and Post Behavior, But a missing feature of the lighttable functions. I think It's not very intuitive to use the Pre and Post Behavior to obtain wrapping.Svengali wrote:
Did you know if you turn on Repeat, for Pre and Post Behavior, the Light Table images wrap around. This can be extremely helpful when constructing viable loops. If you don't use loops, then that probably doesn't matter to you, but if you do, it's handy.
.I will Post this in Feature request.
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
As it is now, If you set the Pre and Post Behavior as part of the level, the Light Table wrap-around feature is only invoked while working on those "looped" levels.
If the LIght Table wrapping feature was made part of the Light Table parameters, the wrap-around Light Table feature would be active or inactive for ALL layers whether the wrap around is desired on the selected layer or not.
It seems like this would force the user to fiddle with Light Table settings almost EVERY time he switched to a new layer.
As it is now, the Pre and Post Behavior options are benign. They can be, and are, easily ignored by the majority of users. But those behaviors continue to be very useful to those who know about it and need it. Why take that functionality away?
If the LIght Table wrapping feature was made part of the Light Table parameters, the wrap-around Light Table feature would be active or inactive for ALL layers whether the wrap around is desired on the selected layer or not.
It seems like this would force the user to fiddle with Light Table settings almost EVERY time he switched to a new layer.
As it is now, the Pre and Post Behavior options are benign. They can be, and are, easily ignored by the majority of users. But those behaviors continue to be very useful to those who know about it and need it. Why take that functionality away?
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
good point.Svengali wrote:
If the LIght Table wrapping feature was made part of the Light Table parameters, the wrap-around Light Table feature would be active or inactive for ALL layers whether the wrap around is desired on the selected layer or not.
It seems like this would force the user to fiddle with Light Table settings almost EVERY time he switched to a new layer.
That would mean that if we implemented a wraopping in the lighttable it should be layer individual.
still I think it's more intuitive to have the lighttable wrapping part of the lighttable and not of the layer pre and post.
And of course if You and probably a lot of other people are using the pre and post behaviour. it should NOT be removed. Unless the same features could be implemented some other and better ways.
But I think discussing removal of features to be very interesting. Because it clerify the way the sofware is being used. And for instance. We now discovered that one can use the Pre and Post for lighttable wrtapping. A feature I have missed And didn't know existed in this hack way. And We have discovered a way to make the lighttable better. And that's nice.'
Re: Pre or Post Behavior for Layer
Indeed - and it highlights the treacherous nature of software development! You consider one small, apparently benign alteration and suddenly there are a multitude of unforeseen knock on effects!But I think discussing removal of features to be very interesting.
Also, because of this discussion, I've learned an easier way to use the light table for loops, and also I've learned to use the FauxFix feature properly!