Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

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Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by CoreyAnimator »

Again, I may be the only one who wants this, or maybe it was suggested b4, but I wish that each scene's "Image size" could be independent from one scene to the next.

It would give the camera tool a lot more freedom to experiment without messing up your other animation scenes image sizes. Basically, It would be great to be able to make that one individual scene/or scenes with the really long camera pans without having to create a whole new file, save it as a video format (or whatever format), and stitch it back into the main animation file. Would be great to work all in one file as much as possible. But again I know some people may not desire this feature but I do find myself feeling alittle limited/ or afraid to really experiment with camera as much I wish to because of the way all scenes are connected by the same scene size.
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

Actually most people, possibly everyone would like to see this but already in the beta stage it was explained to us that we will have to wait for TVP 10. I can see how this must be a programming nightmare to implement; only the best NLE's have this and not without considerable bugs at first attached to it.

Have you tried using the KeyFramer for combining various size formats in conjunction with camera moves?
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by ZigOtto »

indepent clips sizes would be appreciable to simplify the workflow imo too,
for the time being, when scenes need camera moving such as large Hz-Pan or so, I use to open a new (extended) project,
once the camera moving set, I "Create a New Project from Camera", then copy/paste the Clip in the main project (output size, usually HD).
I repeat the 2 last steps at each work stage, animatic, rough-anim, final rendering (cleaned, colored +FXs).
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by slowtiger »

As an aside, I'd like to have the startup panel re-worked a bit. (No TVP available right now, so I do that from memory here.)

- there's a list with possible projects (comic strip and such), but they're all pretty useless for me. It would be nice to get rid of those, and to be able to add my own definitions.
- the command "open from existing project" should really only take the project's dimensions from a file, not open that project - that finction should remain "open project".
- I wasn't ever able to get TVP to remember my project settings - and I use more than one setting! Sometimes I get my "HDTV 1920x1080 24# #1", sometimes it's set to 25' and #0, and more often than not I get some odd dimensions remembered from the last time I created a background pan. This is annoying, and I like to have this organized in a better way.

Anyway, I will be glad if my workplace is up and running on Tuesday again, as my PPC G5 died this week, and Apple support told me that there's no replacement power supply available anymore. I have a "spare" PPC but it's not at my place right now. I expect lots of fun with some of my software which is hardware-bound ...
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by ZigOtto »

slowtiger wrote: - there's a list with possible projects (comic strip and such), but they're all pretty useless for me. It would be nice to get rid of those, and to be able to add my own definitions.
- the command "open from existing project" should really only take the project's dimensions from a file, not open that project - that finction should remain "open project".
- I wasn't ever able to get TVP to remember my project settings - and I use more than one setting! Sometimes I get my "HDTV 1920x1080 24# #1", sometimes it's set to 25' and #0, and more often than not I get some odd dimensions remembered from the last time I created a background pan. This is annoying, and I like to have this organized in a better way.
that's exactly the Templates feature purpose :
when working on a project and you want to memorize (record) its settings (size, fields, framerate, pixelratio, ...) but not its content, you just have to "Save as Template",
next times you'll launch tvpa, choose your custom Template from the list in the startup panel.
the templates list can be modified (lightened) : to get rid of some useless templates, just go to your Templates folder, and delete the ones you'll never use (or move out them to another place).
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

Saving the templates hasn't worked here for quite some time. No matter which project's template I open it always opens the same one, which is the last one used. I've reported this but no one replied or confirmed. I'm glad Markus is bringing this up, which proves that it's not happening just to me.
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by ZigOtto »

Template works as expected for me (at least from the startup panel),
it looks like you have StartUp/Last Opened Project set in the preferences panel, ... confirmation ?
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

Yes I do, but why would that influence the settings of a saved template when I open the template from the startup panel?
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by slowtiger »

OK, I will check when the new machine is up and running, with the advance of a clean fresh install of TVP. Did I already mention how easy a TVP install ist - especially compared to other software? Hopefully this time I can save all my tools and settings ...
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

The thing is, this very nice feature has always worked for me and now doesn't as it doesn't work on Sandra's computer either. I believe that with one of the upgrades it stopped working but if it still works for ZigOtto, then that means it has to be caused by something else.
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by ZigOtto »

"influence" ...? do you mean "overpass" the choosen template when you Ctrl /Start TVPA ?

anyway, all I can say is when the Startup option is on "Startup panel" (my case), the template's selection works fine with me,
the "Last Project Settings" option works fine too, doing what it says (see pict.)
also, as workaround, you can get any template project via the main menu File/New Project.../Template...
just 2 more clics, not so a big deal I think .
lastprojsettings.png (5.32 KiB) Viewed 27181 times
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

Yes, yes, I am very familiar with all those settings. What I am talking about (and I believe Markus also)is the Template window in the startup panel, which I open either by holding down Ctrl before clicking on TVP, or changing my selection in TVP's preferences to open with the startup panel. Every new project I work on has different arrangements of the GUI; certain custom panels which I use for one project and not the other, or the position and size of the Project window with various custom panels docked around it's borders; those sort of settings I used to be able to save as an individual template and every time I returned to an older project I could open its template from the startup panel and have the assurance of getting my old GUI arrangement back. It doesn't work that way anymore. Can you still do this?
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

I just made a test now. I moved my project window to another monitor and moved the FX panel also to another place and save this setting as a template, called TEST and quit TVP. I opened the previous template, SPRAY, from the startup panel and what opened? TEST. Try that and tell me if it works for you.
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by ZigOtto »

Templates are Templates,
and Rooms are Rooms,
don't make a jumble of the 2 features.
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Re: Individual Scene Sizes for Camera

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

OK, so explain what one should expect by saving a template? I was never talking about a room but about the re-arranging of the furniture.
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