AnimBrush frame indicator

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AnimBrush frame indicator

Post by Svengali »

In Mirage, and in earlier versions of TVPaint, the animbrush frame slider used to CONTINUALLY INDICATE which frame of the animbrush was to be stamped. Now it updates the slider ONLY after you complete the stroke. I often found this "live feedback" useful while drawing with the animbrush and I miss it. Wonder why it was changed?

Two Requests:
1. Please restore this functionality.
2. If possible, please also provide a numeric display feedback as well, showing which frame was being displayed - not sure how to implement that but it would be good to know at a glance (a) total number of frames in an animbrush, and (b) which number frame was the current one. For example: 8/15 = eight of fifteen

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Re: AnimBrush frame indicator

Post by slowtiger »

I second that. When I use the animbrush to place some animation somewhere, I always have to double-check now which frame I'm actually pasting. A visible number would help a lot.
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Re: AnimBrush frame indicator

Post by Sewie »

I third that request.
Michael Sewnarain - Website
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Re: AnimBrush frame indicator

Post by Svengali »

OK, I'm certain now I'm going delusional.

I finally noticed the animbrush frame counter and also noticed the frame slider, both of which ALREADY DO update AS I am drawing, exactly as requested.

How did I miss that? :oops: :mrgreen: :oops:

Actually, I now see that the readout and the frame slider only update dynamically when drawing over multiple frames in the layer. If you draw with multi-frame animbrush staying on the SAME frame, the counter and the slider only update AFTER raising the stylus. It would be very helpful if it updated dynamically in that case as well - during the stroke... (I guess I'm not going crazy after all...) :D
animbrush info.jpg
animbrush info.jpg (7.87 KiB) Viewed 13284 times
For example, here is a little loop that is easy to create if you know precisely which frame of the animbrush stroke to stop on:
animbrushcycle.gif (146.35 KiB) Viewed 13280 times
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Re: AnimBrush frame indicator

Post by Sewie »

Svengali wrote: Actually, I now see that the readout and the frame slider only update dynamically when drawing over multiple frames in the layer. If you draw with multi-frame animbrush staying on the SAME frame, the counter and the slider only update AFTER raising the stylus. It would be very helpful if it updated dynamically in that case as well - during the stroke... (I guess I'm not going crazy after all...) :D
I thought you were asking for framecounter/feedback information inside the Project Window that would be visible while you were placing the animbrush in the frames. It would still be valuable addition, I think...
Michael Sewnarain - Website
Windows 11/64b Pro - TVP11.7.0 & 11.7.1 - Pro/64b - Cintiq32 Pro - Intel i7-12700K - 64Gb RAM
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