FX stack painting

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FX stack painting

Post by Satrip »

There is an extra feature in Mark Chong's PPalette I often used on windows: the "FX Stack paint mode"
(when you toggle it on, it locks the fx render and you apply it only where you want with your painting tool).

Now it'd like to use that feature on Linux, and also I think it would enhance the FX stack value for every TVPaint user on any OS.

Can you please add this feature natively in TVPaint ?
(Maybe a switch icon on the top Toolbar, like those for alpha channels, with a command to asign it to a shortcut or a custom tool action)

Or is it already there and I didn't see it?
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Re: FX stack painting

Post by Svengali »

I think what PPalette is doing (in hidden steps) is simply applying the FX to the current image, copying it to the Spare Buffer, then undoing the FX process to recover the original image.

Finally, it selects the MERGE brush mode to overlay brushstrokes from the Spare Buffer onto the current image.

You can probably do this manually or create a little script that would setup the same thing in the TVP Linux version.


p.s. On my setup, the shortcut key for copy-current-frame-to-the-Spare-Buffer-operation is Shift J.
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Re: FX stack painting

Post by Satrip »

Thank you so much Sven !!

It's exactly what I was looking for (I was pretty sure it was there but I missed it ), I didn't know the "Spare Buffer"/"Merge" mode ("Fusionner" mode in french) trick.
I've done it manually (same default shortcut shift+j ), now I'll try and do a custom button with a script for this (I'll share it if I succeed).
Last edited by Satrip on 21 Mar 2010, 21:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FX stack painting

Post by Svengali »


I took a look at Mark's documentation for PPalette and there he explains that that is what it is doing. Where it gets tricky (and prone to problems I suspect) is the mode where the FX process is reapplied and copied to the Spare Buffer AFTER EACH MERGE STROKE... (pant). He must be using some kind of mouse-button-up interrupt or something that invokes lots of overhead processing hidden from view. I have no idea how he does that.

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Re: FX stack painting

Post by Satrip »

Yes the mode where FX is reprocessed after each stroke seems to be more complicated to do (I have no idea neither of how to do this, I've very limited code/script knowledge).
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Re: FX stack painting

Post by Svengali »


I've posted an FXBrush button set in the Contents Sharing Forum. I think they will do what you want. Let me know.

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